Goku ssj4 Sprays for Team Fortress 2 (TF2) Browsing history matches: Login Login. Become a member today and start sharing your creations!
Well lets talk about what we think the best teams for each SSJ4 will be.
I'll start
SSJ4 Goku - Leader
This is something I would run. While Omega Shenron does suffer from the fact that he's only getting +2 ki and +100% stats from SSJ4 Goku (which mind you is still very good), he makes up for his links with everyone in the team giving him ki but Gogeta. However you still wont have any issues getting a super off with Omega Shenron.
Omega Shenron can also be replaced with TUR SSJ2 Gohan. Running a team like this would be going for more flat out damage. It's still a very viable team however personally I would rather run Omega Shenron for the debuffs that he can provide. You're already getting a lot of damage from SSJ4 Goku, Gogeta and Beerus.
TUR SSJB Vegeta would be a good replacement for Beerus. While he'll do less damage due to the fact Beerus passive is RNG. They're both very good cards to run and this would be a toss up between who you'd like to run. I guess this one would come down to personal preference.

SSJ4 Vegeta - Leader
Now before you start going crazy at me for this team, hear me out first. While after a lot of orbs SSJB Goku will out damage SSJB Kaio-Ken Goku, however with these new leader skills I don't see any fights going much longer than 10 turns (however with 10 health bar bosses I may be wrong). But the reason why I would run SSJB Kaio-Ken Goku is due to the fact he can also tank a little bit too. However both of them are still very good.
SSJR Black another one you may be confused at. SSJR Black is still getting +200% attack when he super attacks in this line up. He links perfectly in this team with RFW and gives himself +3 Ki so starting out hes going to have 7 starting Ki so getting a super off with him wont be hard. He's still going to be hitting very hard on this team and IMO personally I would run him.
You could replace SSJR Black with Ultimate Gohan if you'd like and Arale however with Arale I wouldn't run her over Ultimate Gohan if you don't want to run SSJR Black.
GT SSJ2 Goku over GT SSJ3 Kid Goku only because at it looks, he's not going to be getting a dokkan. You could run GT SSJ3 Kid Goku over GT SSJ2 Goku if you wish however you're going to be missing out on Ki links.
SSJG Goku or TUR SSJ Gohan/Brohan are also good replacements for GT SSJ2 Goku. They do out damage him and link just as well.
I'd love to hear what teams you guys would run for SSJ4 teams or what you think of these.
Yuya Takahashi is one of the most well-known animators in Dragon Ball Super for his highly angular and detailed character design and animation, and now fans have seen his take on Dragon Ball GT's best design.

Takahashi shared an impressive sketch of Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, and now fans are aching for more of his takes on that series' characters.
貴重なフィギュアをありがとうございました!! pic.twitter.com/KDd9OQWq7O
— ??高橋 優也?? (@TTSoolBNiuIb6jG) August 16, 2018Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Gogeta were previously exclusive to Dragon Ball GT before being introduced into the Super Dragon Ball Heroes and Dragon Ball Xenoverse video game series along with other elements of the non-canon series. The series itself may have been the center of fan debate for quite some time as it has both defenders and detractors, but many fans agree on its strong design for Super Saiyan 4.
The first new Super Saiyan form introduced after the end of Dragon Ball Z, Super Saiyan 4 made an impression on fans for how differently it looked from the other forms. Along with Goku becoming a golden version of the Great Ape, Super Saiyan 4 returned Goku to his Saiyan roots by covering him in hair and re-growing his tail.
はあぁぁぁぁぁっ‼︎‼︎ pic.twitter.com/gxWN8ennQI
— ??高橋 優也?? (@TTSoolBNiuIb6jG) August 16, 2018Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta is an even more sought after design thanks to his non-canon fusion improving even more so with striking red hair. It wouldn't work now thanks to the introduction of Super Saiyan God's color scheme, but Takahashi's version of the character is fierce enough regardless.
Takahashi's work on the series resulted in some of the best looking episodes of Dragon Ball Super, such as the finale, and soon fans will be able to see more of his work as Takahashi is one of many of the skilled talents brought on to work on the big Dragon Ball Super movie, Dragon Ball Super: Broly.
1commentsDragon Ball Super: Broly opens this December in Japan. Funimation will be bringing the film to theaters in the United States in January as well. The film's translated synopsis reads as such:
'This is the story of a new Saiyan. Earth is peaceful following the Tournament of Power. Realizing that the universes still hold many more strong people yet to see, Goku spends all his days training to reach even greater heights. Then one day, Goku and Vegeta are faced by a Saiyan called 'Broly' who they've never seen before. The Saiyans were supposed to have been almost completely wiped out in the destruction of Planet Vegeta, so what's this one doing on Earth? This encounter between the three Saiyans who have followed completely different destinies turns into a stupendous battle, with even Freeza (back from Hell) getting caught up in the mix.'