Warning: It's a lot. Hell, this isn't even the complete list. But since there has been enough requests for it, here are some of my favorite mods that you may have seen in my Dragon Age videos and playthroughs! Hey guys pls post your favourite adult mods of dragon age origins/origins awakening thank you it would be great when you post a download link of it. Adult mods for Dragon Age Origins. Will do a full respecialization change to your choice of mage warrior or rogue I think it will allow a combo like Mage - Rogue or all three. Armor Mage Robes Type Clothing Stats +1 willpower +1 magic Value 1 35 0 Description This robe is enchanted to increase a mage's magical power. Item ID genimcthmagmag Appearances Dragon Age: Origins Mage Robes are a piece of clothing in Dragon Age: Origins. Acquisition This robe.

Right-click on the file that is used to launch the game. Click on 'Properties', and then add the '-enabledeveloperconsole' command line to end of the 'Target' field. Make sure there is a space between the last quotation mark in the 'Target' field and the added command line. While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: You will not see what is being typed and may need to press [Backspace] to remove the '`' character if it is present in the console window.
For the Steam version of the game, Right-click the 'Dragon Age: Origins' option, and select 'Properties' under the 'My Games' Steam tab. In the 'General' tab, select 'Set Launch Options', enter '-enabledeveloperconsole' in that field, and accept it. While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: You will not see what is being typed and may need to press [Backspace] to remove the '`' character if it is present in the console window.
Result | Cheat Code |
Invincibility | runscript pc_immortal |
Set main character's (self) Strength and Dexterity to 50 and Mana or Stamina to 1000 | runscript zz_supercrit player |
Set character's Strength and Dexterity to 50 and Mana or Stamina to 1000 [Note] | runscript zz_supercrit gen00fl_[character name] |
Restore full mana or stamina to selected character | runscript restore |
Add indicated amount of experience points | runscript addxp [number] |
Add indicated amount of copper | runscript zz_money [number] |
Add 3 Skill Points; visible after saving and reloading | runscript zz_add_skills3 |
Add party member | runscript zz_addparty [NPC name] |
Add Jory and Daveth to party | runscript e3_addparty |
Add skill, spell, or talent to your character | runscript addtalent [number] |
Remove skill, spell, or talent from your character | runscript removetalent [number] |
Get 1,000 mana, 1,000 health, 50 Strength, and 50 Dexterity | runscript zz_supercrit player |
Get Antivan Leather Boots, Dalish Gloves, Alistair's Mother's Amulet, Duncan's Shield, Andraste's Grace, Cute Nug in inventory | runscript zz_party_addgifts |
Get traps in inventory | runscript zz_set_trap |
Get 1H and 2H Starfang in inventory; requires Warden's Keep | runscript zz_starmetal_sword |
180 seconds increase of indicated attribute by indicated amount; attributes are in order, with 1 STR, 2 DEX, etc. | runscript dbg_setattrib [1-6] [number] |
Character animates a random finishing blow based on current weapon | runscript zz_deathblow |
Alternate character appearance | runscript appearance [number] |
Remove all injuries from party | runscript injury remparty |
Remove all injuries from self | runscript injury remall |
Add to companion approval rating | runscript zz_addapproval [companion] [number] |
Break the party companion limit | runscript zz_addparty |
Remove entire party | runscript zz_dropparty |
Heal player or party | runscript healplayer |
Gathers all immediate party members | runscript zz_getparty |
Selected melee character uses random finisher regardless of target's health for instant kill; only uses proper finisher on humanoid targets | runscript zz_deathblow |
Kill all enemies in area | runscript killallhostiles |
Knock back enemies and form a shield around you | runscript bowlingforferelden |
Toggle perceived enemies cannot use special abilities | runscript ai abilities [0 or 1] |
Toggle AI | runscript ai [on or off] |
Full map | runscript zz_reveal_map |
All achievements | runscript cheater |
Reset party level, stats, etc; add assorted items to inventory; destroys all equipped items | runscript levelparty ? |
Unequip all gear | runscript zz_economizer |
Display Enchantment menu | runscript zz_upgrade |
Origin screen | runscript chargen |
Party select screen | runscript selectparty |
Open character creator screen; lose all current progress | runscript zz_char_creation |
Party member plot gifts | runscript zz_party_addgifts |
Transform into level 2 Mage | runscript wizard |
Transform into level 2 Rogue | runscript rogue |
Transform into level 2 Warrior | runscript warrior |
Talk to nearest NPC | runscript zz_talk_nearest |
Teleport to set teleport points on the current map | runscript zz_jump_around |
Teleport to Dalish Camp | runscript zz_eurodemo_end |
Teleport to Duncan's fire in Ostagar | runscript zz_pre_strategy |
Teleport to Ostagar | runscript zz_pre_demo2 |
Teleport to random locations on current map | runscript zz_jump_around |
Advance to climax at Redcliffe castle | runscript zz_cli_debug |
Set plot flag for and start the camp ambush; teleport to the first camp you make | runscript zz_camp_debug |
Start character generation interface | runscript chargen 0 |
Start character level up interface | runscript chargen 1 |
Start Arl Eamon Debug Helper script; allows modification of plot states and teleporting | runscript zz_arl_debug |
Start Circle of Magi Debug Helper script; allows modification of plot states and teleporting | runscript zz_cir_debug |
Start Paragon of her Kind Debug Helper script; allows modification of plot states and teleporting | runscript zz_orz_debug |
Start Prelude Debug Helper script; allows modification of plot states and teleporting | runscript zz_pre_debug |
Start Urn of Sacred Ashes script; allows modification of plot states and teleporting | runscript zz_urn_debug |
DLC Debug Script; allows some modifications of plot states and teleporting | runscript zz_dlc_debug |
Denerim Debug Helper Script; allows modification of plot states and teleporting around Denerim and the Landsmeet | runscript zz_den_debug |
Epilogue Debug; allows changing plot states and starting the epilogue immediately | runscript zz_epi_debug |
Lothering Debug Helper Script; modification of plot states and teleporting | runscript zz_lot_debug |
Nature of the Beast Debug Helper Script; allows modification of plot states and teleporting | runscript zz_ntb_debug |
Random Encounters Debug Helper Script; allows modification of plot states and teleporting | runscript zz_ran_debug |
World Map Debug Helper Script; altering the main plot states and finish any of the main quests immediately | runscript zz_wmp_debug |
Note: For example, enter 'runscript zz_supercrit gen00fl_alistair' for Alistair.
Character codesUse one of the following values with the 'runscript zz_addparty [NPC name]' and 'runscript zz_addapproval [companion] [number]' codes:
Character | Code |
Alistair | 1 |
Morrigan | 3 |
Wynne | 4 |
Shale | 5 |
Sten | 6 |
Zevran | 7 |
Leliana | 9 |
Self | 11 |
Use one of the following values with the 'runscript addtalent [number]' and 'runscript removetalent [number]' codes. Note: Talents, spells, and skills all use the same 'runscript addtalent [number]' and 'runscript removetalent [number]' codes. Talents are unique to Warriors and Rogues and will not appear on Mages. Spells are unique to Mages and will not appear on Warriors or Rogues.
Name | Code |
Coercion | |
Coercion | 100011 |
Improved Coercion | 100012 |
Expert Coercion | 100013 |
Master Coercion | 100014 |
Combat Tactics | |
Combat Tactics | 100110 |
Improved Combat Tactics | 100111 |
Expert Combat Tactics | 100112 |
Master Combat Tactics | 100113 |
Combat Training | |
Combat Training | 100100 |
Improved Combat Training | 100101 |
Expert Combat Training | 100102 |
Master Combat Training | 100103 |
Herbalism | |
Herbalism | 100061 |
Improved Herbalism | 100062 |
Expert Herbalism | 100063 |
Master Herbalism | 100064 |
Poison-Making | |
Poison-Making | 100071 |
Improved Poison-Making | 100072 |
Expert Poison-Making | 100073 |
Master Poison-Making | 100074 |
Stealing | |
Stealing | 100021 |
Improved Stealing | 100022 |
Expert Stealing | 100023 |
Master Stealing | 100024 |
Survival | |
Survival | 100051 |
Improved Survival | 100052 |
Expert Survival | 100053 |
Master Survival | 100054 |
Trap-Making | |
Trap-Making | 100041 |
Improved Trap-Making | 100042 |
Expert Trap-Making | 100043 |
Master Trap-Making | 100044 |
Miscellaneous | |
Deletes Skills list entirely | 4002 |
Use one of the following values with the 'runscript addtalent [number]' and 'runscript removetalent [number]' codes. Note: Talents, spells, and skills all use the same 'runscript addtalent [number]' and 'runscript removetalent [number]' codes. Talents are unique to Warriors and Rogues and will not appear on Mages. Spells are unique to Mages and will not appear on Warriors or Rogues.
Name | Code |
Arcane Warrior (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4012 |
Branch | |
Combat Magic | 17023 |
Aura of Might | 17020 |
Shimmering Shield | 17022 |
Fade Shroud | 17021 |
Blood Mage (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4017 |
Branch | |
Blood Magic | 10700 |
Blood Sacrifice | 10701 |
Blood Wound | 10702 |
Blood Control | 10703 |
Shapeshifter (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4018 |
Branch | |
Spider Shape | 17008 |
Bear Shape | 17010 |
Flying Swarm | 17007 |
Master Shapeshifter | 17009 |
Mage (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4023 |
Branch | |
Arcane Bolt | 200254 |
Arcane Shield | 200255 |
Staff Focus | 200256 |
Arcane Mastery | 200257 |
Spirit Healer (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4025 |
Branch | |
Group Heal | 10509 |
Revival | 10504 |
Lifeward | 10506 |
Cleansing Aura | 10507 |
Primal | |
Branch 1 | |
Flame Blast | 10001 |
Flaming Weapons | 10204 |
Fireball | 10003 |
Inferno | 10002 |
Branch 2 | |
Rock Armor | 11002 |
Stonefist | 12004 |
Earthquake | 11116 |
Petrify | 11124 |
Branch 3 | |
Winter's Grasp | 13001 |
Frost Weapons | 11007 |
Cone of Cold | 13002 |
Blizzard | 13000 |
Branch 4 | |
Lightning | 14001 |
Shock | 14000 |
Tempest | 14002 |
Chain Lightning | 10211 |
Creation | |
Branch 1 | |
Heal | 10104 |
Rejuvenate | 10200 |
Regeneration | 10210 |
Mass Rejuvenation | 10207 |
Branch 2 | |
Heroic Offense | 10206 |
Heroic Aura | 10202 |
Heroic Defense | 10203 |
Haste | 10208 |
Branch 3 | |
Glyph of Paralysis | 11001 |
Glyph of Warding | 10601 |
Glyph of Repulsion | 17000 |
Glyph of Neutralization | 17028 |
Branch 4 | |
Spell Wisp | 11006 |
Grease | 11113 |
Spellbloom | 11005 |
Stinging Swarm | 12008 |
Spirit | |
Branch 1 | |
Spell Shield | 10400 |
Dispel Magic | 10401 |
Anti-Magic Ward | 10900 |
Anti-Magic Burst | 11003 |
Branch 2 | |
Mana Drain | 10704 |
Mana Cleanse | 11004 |
Spell Might | 17001 |
Mana Clash | 11000 |
Branch 3 | |
Walking Bomb | 12005 |
Death Syphon | 10500 |
Virulent Walking Bomb | 12011 |
Animate Dead | 10508 |
Branch 4 | |
Mind Blast | 12006 |
Force Field | 17019 |
Telekinetic Weapons | 10209 |
Crushing Prison | 11123 |
Entropy | |
Branch 1 | |
Weakness | 11106 |
Paralyze | 11107 |
Miasma | 11122 |
Mass Paralysis | 11110 |
Branch 2 | |
Vulnerability Hex | 11112 |
Affliction Hex | 11111 |
Misdirection Hex | 11114 |
Death Hex | 11100 |
Branch 3 | |
Disorient | 11115 |
Horror | 11108 |
Sleep | 11121 |
Waking Nightmare | 11109 |
Branch 4 | |
Drain Life | 15002 |
Death Magic | 17002 |
Curse of Mortality | 11101 |
Death Cloud | 15003 |
Dragon Age Origins Mage Spells
Talent codesUse one of the following values with the 'runscript addtalent [number]' and 'runscript removetalent [number]' codes. Note: Talents, spells, and skills all use the same 'runscript addtalent [number]' and 'runscript removetalent [number]' codes. Talents are unique to Warriors and Rogues and will not appear on Mages. Spells are unique to Mages and will not appear on Warriors or Rogues.
Name | Code |
Champion (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4013 |
Branch | |
War Cry | 3037 |
Rally | 3038 |
Motivate | 42 |
Superiority | 3039 |
Assassin (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4014 |
Branch | |
Mark of Death | 3060 |
Exploit Weakness | 56 |
Lacerate | 3059 |
Feast of the Fallen | 3058 |
Bard (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4015 |
Branch | |
Song of Valor | 3045 |
Distraction | 701 |
Song of Courage | 705 |
Captivating Song | 1000 |
Berserker (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4016 |
Branch | |
Berserk | 700 |
Resilience | 48 |
Constraint | 3006 |
Final Blow | 3009 |
Reaver (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4019 |
Branch | |
Devour | 3065 |
Frightening Appearance | 3066 |
Aura of Pain | 3067 |
Blood Frenzy | 713 |
Rogue (Activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4020 |
Branch 1 | |
Dirty Fighting | 603 |
Combat Movement | 21 |
Coup De Grace | 3002 |
Feign Death | 3023 |
Branch 2 | |
Below the Belt | 3026 |
Deadly Strike | 708 |
Lethality | 777 |
Evasion | 3069 |
Branch 3 | |
Deft Hands | 100001 |
Improved Tools | 100002 |
Mechanical Expertise | 100003 |
Device Mastery | 100004 |
Branch 4 | |
Stealth | 100075 |
Stealthy Item Use | 100076 |
Combat Stealth | 100077 |
Master Stealth | 100078 |
Templar (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4021 |
Branch | |
Righteous Strike | 23 |
Cleanse Area | 3017 |
Mental Fortress | 52 |
Holy Smite | 25 |
Warrior (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4022 |
Branch 1 | |
Powerful | 14 |
Threaten | 808 |
Bravery | 17 |
Death Blow | 3021 |
Branch 2 | |
Precise Striking | 19 |
Taunt | 3041 |
Disengage | 3016 |
Perfect Striking | 20 |
Ranger (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4029 |
Branch | |
Summon Wolf | 1004 |
Summon Bear | 91 |
Summon Spider | 93 |
Master Ranger | 92 |
Duelist (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4030 |
Branch | |
Dueling | 709 |
Upset Balance | 3050 |
Keen Defense | 3049 |
Pinpoint Strike | 3051 |
Shale | 4033 |
War Dog (activate main Specialization first) | |
Main | 4034 |
Branch 1 | |
Growl | 90017 |
Dread Howl | 90048 |
Combat Training | 90049 |
Overwhelm | 90015 |
Branch 2 | |
Fortitude | 90050 |
Charge | 90016 |
Shred | 90047 |
Nemesis | 90051 |
Dual Weapon | |
Branch 1 | |
Dual-Weapon Training | 6 |
Dual-Weapon Finesse | 8 |
Dual-Weapon Expert | 5 |
Dual-Weapon Mastery | 3036 |
Branch 2 | |
Dual Striking | 11 |
Riposte | 9 |
Cripple | 10 |
Punisher | 7 |
Branch 3 | |
Dual-Weapon Sweep | 3044 |
Flurry | 3035 |
Momentum | 717 |
Whirlwind | 3043 |
Weapon and Shield | |
Branch 1 | |
Shield Bash | 617 |
Shield Pummel | 1 |
Overpower | 3073 |
Assault | 38 |
Branch 2 | |
Shield Defense | 704 |
Shield Balance | 37 |
Shield Wall | 12 |
Shield Expertise | 36 |
Branch 3 | |
Shield Block | 3074 |
Shield Cover | 13 |
Shield Tactics | 3030 |
Shield Mastery | 2 |
Two-Handed | |
Branch 1 | |
Pommel Strike | 3024 |
Indomitable | 28 |
Stunning Blows | 3000 |
Critical Strike | 3 |
Branch 2 | |
Sunder Arms | 3025 |
Shattering Blows | 3001 |
Sunder Armor | 4 |
Destroyer | 3032 |
Branch 3 | |
Mighty Blow | 3028 |
Powerful Swings | 718 |
Two-Handed Strength | 27 |
Two-Handed Sweep | 3031 |
Archery | |
Branch 1 | |
Melee Archer | 34 |
Aim | 500 |
Defensive Fire | 33 |
Master Archer | 35 |
Branch 2 | |
Pinning Shot | 803 |
Crippling Shot | 805 |
Critical Shot | 804 |
Arrow of Slaying | 802 |
Branch 3 | |
Rapidshot | 3071 |
Shattering Shot | 3072 |
Surpressing Fire | 801 |
Scattershot | 800 |
Use one of the following values with the 'runscript addtalent [number]' or 'runscript removetalent [number]' codes:
Skill, spell, or talent | Code |
Ability Talent Acid Spray | 90034 |
Ability Talent Aim | 500 |
Ability Talent Arrow Of Slaying | 802 |
Ability Talent Assault | 38 |
Ability Talent Aura Of Corruption | 90033 |
Ability Talent Below The Belt | 3026 |
Ability Talent Berserk | 700 |
Ability Talent Blood Frenzy | 713 |
Ability Talent Bravery | 17 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Charge Left | 90075 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Charge Right | 90076 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Gas | 90085 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Left V1 | 90031 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Left V2 | 90069 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Ranged Spit | 12010 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Resistances | 90077 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Right V1 | 90032 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Right V2 | 90070 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Scream | 90084 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Sweep | 90071 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Vomit All | 90072 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Vomit Left | 90073 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Vomit Right | 90074 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Grab Left | 90098 |
Ability Talent Broodmother Grab Right | 90099 |
Ability Talent Captivate | 1000 |
Ability Talent Cleanse Area | 3017 |
Ability Talent Constraint | 3006 |
Ability Talent Cripple | 3069 |
Ability Talent Crippling Shot | 805 |
Ability Talent Critical Shot | 804 |
Ability Talent Critical Strike | 3 |
Ability Talent Cry Of Valor | 3045 |
Ability Talent Darkspawn Resistances | 90078 |
Ability Talent Deadly Strike | 708 |
Ability Talent Death Blow | 3021 |
Ability Talent Death Fury | 4051 |
Ability Talent Lacerate | 3059 |
Ability Talent Defensive Fire | 33 |
Ability Talent Demon Properties | 90081 |
Ability Talent Demoralize | 705 |
Ability Talent Destroyer | 3032 |
Ability Talent Devour | 3065 |
Ability Talent Dirty Fighting | 603 |
Ability Talent Disengage | 3016 |
Ability Talent Distraction | 701 |
Ability Talent Evasion | 3069 |
Ability Talent Dodge | 21 |
Ability Talent Combat Movement | 21 |
Ability Talent Exploit Weakness | 56 |
Ability Talent Dual Weapon Cripple | 10 |
Ability Talent Dual Weapon Double Strike | 11 |
Ability Talent Dual Weapon Flurry | 3035 |
Ability Talent Dual Weapon Momentum | 717 |
Ability Talent Dual Weapon Riposte | 9 |
Ability Talent Dual Weapon Sweep | 3044 |
Ability Talent Dual Weapon TBD | 8 |
Ability Talent Dueling | 709 |
Ability Talent Feast Of The Fallen | 3058 |
Ability Talent Feign Death | 3023 |
Ability Talent Final Blow | 3009 |
Ability Talent Frightening | 3066 |
Ability Talent Genlock Properties | 90079 |
Ability Talent Golem Kick | 90058 |
Ability Talent Golem Quake | 90056 |
Ability Talent Golem Ranged | 90057 |
Ability Talent Golem Slam | 90055 |
Ability Talent Hidden Assassin | 4014 |
Ability Talent Hidden Berserker | 4016 |
Ability Talent Hidden Champion | 4013 |
Ability Talent Hidden Dog | 4034 |
Ability Talent Hidden Duelist | 4030 |
Ability Talent Hidden Ranger | 4029 |
Ability Talent Hidden Reaver | 4019 |
Ability Talent Hidden Rogue | 4020 |
Ability Talent Hidden Shale | 4033 |
Ability Talent Hidden Templar | 4021 |
Ability Talent Hidden Warrior | 4022 |
Ability Talent Hurlock Properties | 90080 |
Ability Talent Indomitable | 28 |
Ability Talent Invalid Talent | 0 |
Ability Talent Keen Defense | 3049 |
Ability Talent Lethality | 777 |
Ability Talent Mark Of Death | 3060 |
Ability Talent Master Archer | 35 |
Ability Talent Melee Archer | 34 |
Ability Talent Mighty Blow | 3028 |
Ability Talent Monster Abomination Rage | 90089 |
Ability Talent Monster Abomination Triplestrike Rage | 90090 |
Ability Talent Monster Abomination Triplestrike Hunger | 90116 |
Ability Talent Monster Abomination Triplestrike Sloth | 90117 |
Ability Talent Monster Abomination Triplestrike Desire | 90118 |
Ability Talent Monster Arcanehorror Aoe | 90091 |
Ability Talent Monster Aura Healing | 90088 |
Ability Talent Monster Aura Weakness | 90087 |
Ability Talent Monster Bear Hug | 90018 |
Ability Talent Monster Bear Rage | 90020 |
Ability Talent Monster Bear Slam | 90019 |
Ability Talent Monster Bronto Charge | 90024 |
Ability Talent Monster Bronto Stomp | 90025 |
Ability Talent Monster Canine Howl | 90067 |
Ability Talent Monster Dog Charge | 90016 |
Ability Talent Monster Dog Combat Training | 90049 |
Ability Talent Monster Dog Fortitude | 90050 |
Ability Talent Monster Dog Growl | 90017 |
Ability Talent Monster Dog Nemesis | 90051 |
Ability Talent Monster Dog Overwhelm | 90015 |
Ability Talent Monster Dog Shred | 90047 |
Ability Talent Monster Flanking | 90023 |
Ability Talent Monster Golem Hurl | 90060 |
Ability Talent Monster Golem Quake | 90056 |
Ability Talent Monster Golem Ranged | 90057 |
Ability Talent Monster Golem Slam | 90055 |
Ability Talent Monster Mabari Howl | 90048 |
Ability Talent Monster Ogre Attack Back Left | 90063 |
Ability Talent Monster Ogre Attack Back Right | 90062 |
Ability Talent Monster Ogre Attack Left | 90065 |
Ability Talent Monster Ogre Attack Right | 90064 |
Ability Talent Monster Ogre Grab | 90036 |
Ability Talent Monster Ogre Ram | 90066 |
Ability Talent Monster Ogre Stomp | 90038 |
Ability Talent Monster Ogre Sweep | 90037 |
Ability Talent Monster Orb Black | 90044 |
Ability Talent Monster Paralyze | 90043 |
Ability Talent Monster Poison Bite | 90030 |
Ability Talent Monster Poison Spit | 90068 |
Ability Talent Monster Rabid | 90083 |
Ability Talent Monster Revenant Doublestrike | 90086 |
Ability Talent Monster Revenant Pull | 90092 |
Ability Talent Monster Shred | 90039 |
Ability Talent Monster Shriek Leap | 90040 |
Ability Talent Monster Shriek Shriek | 90041 |
Ability Talent Monster Shriek Frenzy | 90128 |
Ability Talent Monster Shriek Overwhlem | 90129 |
Ability Talent Monster Spider Web | 90029 |
Ability Talent Monster Stalker Scare | 90026 |
Ability Talent Monster Stalker Slow | 90028 |
Ability Talent Monster Stalker Spit | 90027 |
Ability Talent Monster Undead Drain | 90046 |
Ability Talent Monster Undead Spirit | 90042 |
Ability Talent Monster Wisp Attack | 11131 |
Ability Talent Motivate | 42 |
Ability Talent Nature: Courage Of The Pack | 1004 |
Ability Talent Nature: Hardiness Of The Bear | 91 |
Ability Talent Master Ranger | 92 |
Ability Talent One Mind | 29 |
Ability Talent One Mind 2 | 30 |
Ability Talent One Mind 3 | 31 |
Ability Talent One Mind 4 | 32 |
Ability Talent Overpower | 3073 |
Ability Talent Overrun | 3024 |
Ability Talent Pain | 3067 |
Ability Talent Perfect Striking | 20 |
Ability Talent Pinning Shot | 803 |
Ability Talent Pinpoint Strike | 3051 |
Ability Talent Pommel Strike | 3024 |
Ability Talent Power Slam | 90045 |
Ability Talent Powerful | 14 |
Ability Talent Powerful Swings | 718 |
Ability Talent Precise Striking | 19 |
Ability Talent Punisher | 7 |
Ability Talent Rally | 3038 |
Ability Talent Rapidshot | 3071 |
Ability Talent Resilience | 48 |
Ability Talent Resist Deception | 52 |
Ability Talent Righteous Strike | 23 |
Ability Talent Scattershot | 800 |
Ability Talent Shattering Blows | 3001 |
Ability Talent Shattering Shot | 3072 |
Ability Talent Shield Balance | 37 |
Ability Talent Shield Bash | 617 |
Ability Talent Shield Block | 3074 |
Ability Talent Shield Cover | 13 |
Ability Talent Shield Defense | 704 |
Ability Talent Shield Expertise | 36 |
Ability Talent Shield Mastery | 2 |
Ability Talent Shield Pummel | 1 |
Ability Talent Shield Tactics | 3030 |
Ability Talent Shield Wall | 12 |
Ability Talent Holy Smite | 25 |
Ability Talent Spider Properties | 90082 |
Ability Talent Strong | 27 |
Ability Talent Stunning Blows | 3000 |
Ability Talent Summon Spider | 93 |
Ability Talent Sunder Armor | 4 |
Ability Talent Sunder Weapon | 3025 |
Ability Talent Superiority | 3039 |
Ability Talent Suppressing Fire | 801 |
Ability Talent Taunt | 3041 |
Ability Talent Threaten | 808 |
Ability Talent Training Demonic Combat | 3078 |
Ability Talent Training Humanoid Combat | 3077 |
Ability Talent Training Simple Combat | 3076 |
Ability Talent Upset Balance | 3050 |
Ability Talent Dual Weapon Expert | 5 |
Ability Talent Dual Weapon Master | 3036 |
Ability Talent Dual Weapon Training | 6 |
Ability Talent War Cry | 3037 |
Ability Talent Weapon Sweep | 3031 |
Ability Talent Dual Weapon Whirlwind | 3043 |
Ability Spell Abomination Flame | 10004 |
Ability Spell Animate Dead | 10508 |
Ability Spell Antimagic Burst | 11003 |
Ability Spell Antimagic Ward | 10900 |
Ability Spell Arcane Bolt | 200254 |
Ability Spell Arcane Horror Attack | 14005 |
Ability Spell Arcane Might | 10208 |
Ability Spell Arcane Shield | 200255 |
Ability Spell Aura Of Might | 17020 |
Ability Spell Bear | 17010 |
Ability Spell Blizzard | 13000 |
Ability Spell Blood Control | 10703 |
Ability Spell Blood Magic | 10700 |
Ability Spell Blood Sacrifice | 10701 |
Ability Spell Blood Wound | 10702 |
Ability Spell Branka Aoe | 90004 |
Ability Spell Branka Mind Control | 90005 |
Ability Spell Branka Rockstrike | 90003 |
Ability Spell Chaos Drake Breath | 14003 |
Ability Spell Chaos Magic | 17028 |
Ability Spell Cleansing Aura | 10507 |
Ability Spell Combat Magic | 17023 |
Ability Spell Cone Of Cold | 13002 |
Ability Spell Crushing Prison | 11123 |
Ability Spell Cure | 10200 |
Ability Spell Daze | 11115 |
Ability Spell Dead Man Walking | 12005 |
Ability Spell Death Cloud | 15003 |
Ability Spell Death Magic | 17002 |
Ability Spell Demon Aura | 90053 |
Ability Spell Demon Lift | 90054 |
Ability Spell Demon Scatter | 90052 |
Ability Spell Divine Restoration | 10201 |
Ability Spell Do Not Use | 11126 |
Ability Spell Dragon Breath Evil | 15000 |
Ability Spell Dragon Breath Fire | 10005 |
Ability Spell Drain Life | 15002 |
Ability Spell Earthquake | 11116 |
Ability Spell Earthrage | 12000 |
Ability Spell Earthrage 2 | 12001 |
Ability Spell Earthrage 3 | 12002 |
Ability Spell Earthrage 4 | 12003 |
Ability Spell Elemental Aura | 10601 |
Ability Spell Elemental Conduit | 17000 |
Ability Spell Fade Shroud | 17021 |
Ability Spell Fire Elemental Lash | 10006 |
Ability Spell Fireball | 10003 |
Ability Spell Firefield | 10007 |
Ability Spell Flame Blast | 10001 |
Ability Spell Flaming Weapons | 10204 |
Ability Spell Flying Swarm | 17007 |
Ability Spell Frostwall | 11007 |
Ability Spell Gas Explosion | 10008 |
Ability Spell Glyph Of Neutralization | 17028 |
Ability Spell Glyph Of Paralysis | 11001 |
Ability Spell Glyph Of Repulsion | 17000 |
Ability Spell Glyph Of Warding | 10601 |
Ability Spell Golem Hurl | 90060 |
Ability Spell Grease | 11113 |
Ability Spell Guardian Glyph | 11001 |
Ability Spell Heal | 10104 |
Ability Spell Heroic Defense | 10203 |
Ability Spell Heroic Offense | 10206 |
Ability Spell Heros Armor | 10202 |
Ability Spell Hidden Arcane Warrior | 4012 |
Ability Spell Hidden Bard | 4015 |
Ability Spell Hidden Bloodmage | 4017 |
Ability Spell Hidden Shapeshifter | 4018 |
Ability Spell Hidden Spirit Healer | 4025 |
Ability Spell Hidden Wizard | 4023 |
Ability Spell Horror | 11108 |
Ability Spell Immobilize | 11100 |
Ability Spell Inferno | 10002 |
Ability Spell Invalid Spell | 10000 |
Ability Spell Lifeward | 10506 |
Ability Spell Lightning | 14001 |
Ability Spell Lightning Weapons | 10205 |
Ability Spell Mage Base Attack | 11130 |
Ability Spell Mana Clash | 11000 |
Ability Spell Mana Cleanse | 11004 |
Ability Spell Mass Corpse Detonation | 12011 |
Ability Spell Mass Paralysis | 11110 |
Ability Spell Mass Slow | 11112 |
Ability Spell Mind Blast | 12006 |
Ability Spell Mind Focus | 10209 |
Ability Spell Mind Rot | 11109 |
Ability Spell Monster Ogre Hurl | 90061 |
Ability Spell Monsterbuffer 3 | 90006 |
Ability Spell Monsterbuffer 4 | 90007 |
Ability Spell Monsterbuffer 5 | 90008 |
Ability Spell Nightmare | 11125 |
Ability Spell Paralysis Explosion | 90173 |
Ability Spell Paralyze | 11107 |
Ability Spell Petrify | 11124 |
Ability Spell Purify | 10207 |
Ability Spell Reanimate | 10500 |
Ability Spell Regeneration | 10210 |
Archdemon Vortex | 90000 |
Archdemon Smite | 90001 |
Archdemon Detonate Darkspawn | 90002 |
Archdemon Corruption Blast | 90172 |
Ability Spell Revival | 10504 |
Ability Spell Root | 11114 |
Ability Spell Shapeshifter | 17009 |
Ability Spell Shared Fate | 11101 |
Ability Spell Shield Party | 10401 |
Ability Spell Shimmering Shield | 17022 |
Ability Spell Shock | 14000 |
Ability Spell Sleep | 11121 |
Ability Spell Slow | 11111 |
Ability Spell Spell Boost | 17015 |
Ability Spell Spell Boost 2 | 17016 |
Ability Spell Spell Boost 3 | 17017 |
Ability Spell Spell Boost 4 | 17018 |
Ability Spell Spell Might | 17001 |
Ability Spell Spell Shield | 10400 |
Ability Spell Spell Wisp | 11006 |
Ability Spell Spellbloom | 11005 |
Ability Spell Spider Shape | 17008 |
Ability Spell Steam Cloud | 10009 |
Ability Spell Stinging Swarm | 12008 |
Ability Spell Stonefist | 12004 |
Ability Spell Storm Of The Century | 14004 |
Ability Spell Support The Weak | 10509 |
Ability Spell Tbd Was Dance Of Madness | 11122 |
Ability Spell Tempest | 14002 |
Ability Spell Tremor | 11117 |
Ability Spell Tremor 2 | 11118 |
Ability Spell Tremor 3 | 11119 |
Ability Spell Tremor 4 | 11120 |
Ability Spell Walking Bomb | 12005 |
Ability Spell Wall Of Force | 17019 |
Ability Spell Wall Of Stone | 11002 |
Ability Spell Weakness | 11106 |
Monster Talent Wild Sylvan Roots | 12007 |
Ability Spell Winters Grasp | 13001 |
Ability Spell Wynnes Seal Portal | 10704 |
Ability Talent Backstab | 3002 |
Ability Skill Dwarven Resistance | 3080 |
Ability Skill Herbalism 1 | 100061 |
Ability Skill Herbalism 2 | 100062 |
Ability Skill Herbalism 3 | 100063 |
Ability Skill Herbalism 4 | 100064 |
Ability Skill Invalid Skill | 100000 |
Ability Skill Lockpicking 1 | 100001 |
Ability Skill Lockpicking 2 | 100002 |
Ability Skill Lockpicking 3 | 100003 |
Ability Skill Lockpicking 4 | 100004 |
Ability Skill Persuade 1 | 100011 |
Ability Skill Persuade 2 | 100012 |
Ability Skill Persuade 3 | 100013 |
Ability Skill Persuade 4 | 100014 |
Ability Skill Pet Attack | 100090 |
Ability Skill Pet Defend | 100092 |
Ability Skill Pet Follow | 100091 |
Ability Skill Pet Special Ability | 100093 |
Ability Skill Poison 1 | 100071 |
Ability Skill Poison 2 | 100072 |
Ability Skill Poison 3 | 100073 |
Ability Skill Poison 4 | 100074 |
Ability Skill Combat Training 1 | 100100 |
Ability Skill Combat Training 2 | 100101 |
Ability Skill Combat Training 3 | 100102 |
Ability Skill Combat Training 4 | 100104 |
Ability Skill Sense Darkspawn | 4050 |
Ability Skill Skill Plot Shapeshift Burning | 100083 |
Ability Skill Skill Plot Shapeshift Golem | 100080 |
Ability Skill Skill Plot Shapeshift Mouse | 100081 |
Ability Skill Skill Plot Shapeshift Spirit | 100084 |
Ability Skill Stealing 1 | 100021 |
Ability Skill Stealing 2 | 100022 |
Ability Skill Stealing 3 | 100023 |
Ability Skill Stealing 4 | 100024 |
Ability Skill Stealth 1 | 100075 |
Ability Skill Stealth 2 | 100076 |
Ability Skill Stealth 3 | 100077 |
Ability Skill Stealth 4 | 100078 |
Ability Skill Stealthy Attack | 12009 |
Ability Skill Survival 1 | 100051 |
Ability Skill Survival 2 | 100052 |
Ability Skill Survival 3 | 100053 |
Ability Skill Survival 4 | 100054 |
Ability Skill Traps 1 | 100041 |
Ability Skill Traps 2 | 100042 |
Ability Skill Traps 3 | 100043 |
Ability Skill Traps 4 | 100044 |
Ability Skill Combat Tactics 1 | 100110 |
Ability Skill Combat Tactics 2 | 100111 |
Ability Skill Combat Tactics 3 | 100112 |
Ability Skill Combat Tactics 4 | 100113 |
Item Ability Healing Salve | 200001 |
Item Ability Healing Salve 1 | 200010 |
Item Ability Healing Salve 2 | 200011 |
Item Ability Healing Salve 3 | 200012 |
Item Ability Healing Salve 4 | 200013 |
Item Ability Unique Power Unlimited Use | 200203 |
Item Ability Kolgrims Horn | 200262 |
Ability Trait Clumsy | 150003 |
Ability Trait Cold Immunity | 150011 |
Ability Trait Cold Vulnerability | 150012 |
Ability Trait Critical Hit Immunity | 150007 |
Ability Trait Demonic Caster | 150008 |
Ability Trait Explosive | 150009 |
Ability Trait Fire Immunity | 150010 |
Ability Trait Fire Vulnerability | 150013 |
Ability Trait Nature Immunity | 150014 |
Ability Trait Spirit Immunity | 150015 |
Ability Trait Lightning Immunity | 150016 |
Ability Trait Sturdy | 90300 |
Ability Trait Fragile | 150001 |
Ability Trait Ghost | 150004 |
Ability Trait High Morale | 150005 |
Ability Trait Low Morale | 150006 |
Ability Trait Senile | 150002 |
Ability Trait Weakly | 150000 |
Ability Talent Monster Revenant Mass Pull | 90100 |
Ability Monster Arcanehorror Swarm | 90115 |
Monster Talent Wild Sylvan Stomp | 90119 |
Monster Talent Wild Sylvan Rage | 90120 |
Monster Talent Wild Sylvan Attack Bl | 90111 |
Monster Talent Wild Sylvan Attack Br | 90122 |
Monster Talent Wild Sylvan Attack Fl | 90123 |
Monster Talent Wild Sylvan Attack Fr | 90124 |
Monster Talent Monster Corruption Burst | 90127 |
Monster Ashwraith Whirlwind | 90134 |
Monster Ashwraith Leap | 90135 |
Monster Ashwraith Slam | 90136 |
Monster Succubus Dance | 90137 |
Monster Succubus Scream | 90138 |
Monster Dragon Breath | 90094 |
Monster Dragon Tail Slap | 90140 |
Monster Dragon Wing Buffet | 90141 |
Monster Dragon Shred | 90142 |
Monster Dragon Rake | 90143 |
Monster Dragon Roar | 90144 |
Monster Dragonling Breath | 90145 |
Monster Pride Demon Fire Blast | 90146 |
Monster Pride Demon Frost Blast | 90147 |
Mosnter Pride Demon Mana Wave | 90148 |
Monster Pride Demon Fire Bolt | 90149 |
Monster Pride Demon Frost Bolt | 90150 |
Ability Talent Monster Aura Fire | 90151 |
Monster Rage Demon Fire Bolt | 90152 |
Monster Rage Demon Lava Burst | 90153 |
Monster Rage Demon Slam | 90154 |
Monster High Dragon Breath | 10005 |
Monster Large Attack Back Left | 90063 |
Monster Large Attack Back Left 2 | 90157 |
Monster Large Attack Back Left 3 | 90158 |
Monster Large Attack Back Right | 90062 |
Monster Large Attack Back Right 2 | 90155 |
Monster Large Attack Back Right3 | 90156 |
Monster Large Attack Right | 90064 |
Monster Large Attack Right 2 | 90159 |
Monster Large Attack Right 3 | 90160 |
Monster Large Attack Left | 90065 |
Monster Large Attack Left 2 | 90161 |
Monster Large Attack Left 3 | 90162 |
Monster High Dragon Wing Buffet | 90163 |
Monster High Dragon Roar | 90164 |
Monster High Dragon Tail Flap | 90165 |
Monster High Dragon Sweep | 90166 |
Monster High Dragon Stomp | 90167 |
Monster High Dragon Fire Spit | 90168 |
Monster High Dragon Grab Left | 90169 |
Monster High Dragon Grab Right | 90170 |
Monster Bear Overwhelm | 90130 |
Monster Stalker Overwhlem | 90131 |
Monster Dragon Overwhelm | 90132 |
Monster Spider Overwhelm | 90133 |
Monster Arcane Horror Buff | 90171 |
Ability Talent Stealth | 100075 |
Ability Talent Combat Stealth | 100077 |
Ability Spell Wynne Special | 10510 |
Use one of the following values with the 'runscript appearance [number]' code:
Appearance | Code |
Blank model | 1 |
Elf | 2 |
Dwarf | 3 |
Dragon, normal | 4 |
Golem, shale | 5 |
Golem, stone | 6 |
Golem, steel | 7 |
Bear, great | 8 |
Bear, black | 9 |
Broodmother | 10 |
Bronto | 11 |
Arcane Horror | 12 |
Qunari | 13 |
Wisp | 14 |
Human | 15 |
Hurlock, normal | 16 |
Hurlock, alpha | 17 |
Hurlock, emissary | 18 |
Nug | 20 |
Werewolf A | 22 |
Shriek A | 23 |
Succubus | 24 |
Abomination | 25 |
Revenant A | 26 |
Rage demon | 27 |
Corpse D | 28 |
Corpse E | 29 |
Corpse S | 30 |
Shade | 31 |
Ash Wraith | 32 |
Deepstalker | 33 |
Dog Mabari | 34 |
Dog party member | 35 |
Squirel | 36 |
Rat, large | 37 |
Human boy | 38 |
Human, servant ambient | 39 |
Human, library ambient | 40 |
Rat, small | 41 |
Human, guard ambient | 42 |
Human, noble ambient | 43 |
Human, male fat | 44 |
Human, female fat | 45 |
App NPC Duncan | 46 |
App ogre A | 47 |
Wolf | 49 |
Genlock, normal | 50 |
Genlock, alpha | 51 |
Genlock, emissary | 52 |
Witherfang | 53 |
Ambient goat | 54 |
Ambient mutt | 55 |
Spider corrupted | 57 |
Spider giant | 58 |
Spider, poisonous | 59 |
Human, dying ambient | 60 |
Human, prelude wizard | 61 |
Cat | 63 |
Dragonling | 64 |
Wild Sylvan | 65 |
Dragon, high | 66 |
Bear, beareskan | 68 |
Skeleton A | 69 |
Skeleton F | 70 |
Skeleton S | 71 |
Pride Demon | 72 |
Broodmother Tentacle | 73 |
Wolf, blight | 74 |
Lady of the Forest | 75 |
Pig | 76 |
Deer | 77 |
Ox | 78 |
Ram | 79 |
Dragon, drake | 80 |
Spirit apparatus, head | 81 |
Archdemon, wounded | 82 |
Raven | 84 |
Halla | 85 |
Chicken | 86 |
Owl | 87 |
Grand Oak | 88 |
Archdemon | 89 |
Register for an account at the Electronic Arts web site, and link it to your profile in Dragon Age: Origins. Play the Dragon Age: Journeys mini-game at www.dragonagejourneys.com. Successfully complete the indicated task in Dragon Age: Journeys to unlock the corresponding item in Dragon Age: Origins:
- Amulet Of the War Mage: Sign into your EA account in Dragon Age: Journeys.
- Embri's Many Pockets: Save the Grey Warden Martine by completing 'The Missing Warden' quest.
- Helm Of The Deep: Unlock all five achievements in Dragon Age: Journeys - The Deep Roads.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding legendary weapon:
- 1. Adventurer's corpse in Ruined Temple on the 'Urn Of Sacred Ashes' quest in the southwest corridor.
- 2. Brecilian Ruins' Lower Ruins in the south fire trap room.
- 3. Talk to an adventurer in Orzammar's Tapster's tavern.
- 4. Go to Denerim, then go to the dirty back alley, and fight the demon.
Ageless: In Orzammar before you pick a new king, click the king's throne, set three of your party members on pressure plates around the area, and use the fourth to click the throne again. Kill the dragon to get the Ageless legendary weapon.
Keening Blade: Successfully complete the 'Unbound' quest. To start it, collect the journals from the following locations:
Marjorlaneses Recurve: Successfully complete Leliana's character quest.
Staff Of The Magister Lords: Purchased it in the Wonders Of Thedas in Denerim.
Starfang Longsword: Get the random encounter with the crater, then take the Starmetal to Wardens Keep to have a one or two handed sword made.
Summersword: Defeat Loghain's general when trying to save the queen.
The Rose's Thorn: Purchased it in a shop in Orzammar.
Topsiders Honor: In Deep Roads, find the three pieces, then reassemble them in Ortan Thaig.
Yusaris Greatsword: Successfully complete the 'Statue' quest on the third floor of the Magi Tower by selecting the statues in the following order: Left, Right, Middle, then the statue near the fourth floor stairs.
Wintersbreath: It can be obtained through the Warden's Keep DLC or by purchasing it at the Wonders Of Thedas.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding legendary armor:
Blood Dragon: Use the DLC to get the first piece, and the rest will be in Bodhan's shop in your camp.
Juggernaut: Examine the three tombstones in the Brecilian Forrest to get the first three pieces. Successfully complete the 'Jug' quest in the Ruins to get the final piece.
Legion Set: Pieces are spread throughout the Deeproads.
Reapers Vestment (best robe): Purchased it at the Wonders Of Thedas.
Robes Of Possession: Successfully complete Morrigan's character quest by killing Flemmeth. They can then be found in the chest in Flemeth's hut.
Wade's: Wade of Wade's Emporium in Denerim will make you three sets of armor, two of which will use 3x Drake Scales, and the other will need the Dragon Scale. The first two sets are leather armor, and the third is your choice of medium, heavy, or massive. You can get lots of Drake Scales and the Dragon Scale during the 'Urn Of Sacred Ashes' quest. Note: Make sure you always pay the extra gold when asked to get the best results.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding Specialization class. Note: Specialization points are obtained at levels 7 and 14.
- Arcane Warrior: During the 'Nature Of The Beast' quest line, you will find a place in Brecilian Ruins where a spirit is trapped inside something. Set the spirit free, then ask it to teach you the specialization.
- Blood Mage: During the 'Arl Of Redcliffe' quest line, choose to go into the Fade. Instead of killing the Desire Demon, negotiate with her. When given a reward, choose to learn Blood Magic.
- Shapeshifter: Learned from Morrigan (companion) when approval is high enough; or Varathorn (Dalish Camp).
- Spirit Healer: Learned from Wynne (companion); or manual from Wanders Of Thedas in Denerim (after Landsmeet starts).
- Assassin: Learned from Zevran (companion) when approval is high enough; or bought from Alarith's Store (Denerim, after Landsmeet starts).
- Bard: Learned from Leliana (companion) when approval is high enough; or Alimar (Orzammar).
- Duelist: Learned from Isabela (The Pearl in Denerim) if your DEX is high enough to catch her cheating and make her teach you.
- Ranger: Learned from Bodann's Wares (Party Camp).
- Berserker: Learned from Oghren (companion) when approval is high enough; or manual bought from Gorim at Denerim Market.
- Champion: Choose to accept the reward from Arl Eamon after completing the 'Sacred Urn Of Ashes' quest line.
- Reaver: Meet with Kolgrim in the Wyrmling Lair just before the mountain top, and help him with his task. Pour dragon's blood on the ashes. Note: If Wynne and Leliana are in your party, they will join the Guardian in their fight against you.
- Templar: Learned from Alistair (companion) when approval is high enough; or Bodahn's Wares (Party Camp).
Equip the indicated item set to get the corresponding bonus:
- Item Set 1 - Griffon: Immunity to Flanking
- Item Set 2 - Effort: -10% Fatigue
- Item Set 3 - Juggernaut Plate: +3 Strength +3 Constitution
- Item Set 4 - Imperium Rings: +2 Armor
- Item Set 5 - Legion Of The Dead: +3 Damage +3 Constitution
- Item Set 6 - Dalish Leather: +5 Defense
- Item Set 7 - Duster Leather: +2 Armor
- Item Set 8 - Wade's Drakeskin: -10% Fatigue
- Item Set 9 - Wade's Dragonskin: -25% Fatigue
- Item Set 10 - Wade's Dragonscale: -20% Fatigue
- Item Set 11 - Wade's Dragonbone Plate: -10% Fatigue
- Item Set 12 - Leather Armor: -5% Fatigue
- Item Set 13 - Studded Leather Armor: +1 Defense
- Item Set 14 - Chainmail: -2.5% Fatigue
- Item Set 15 - Scale Armor: +4.5 Defense vs. Missiles
- Item Set 16 - Splint Mail: +1 Armor
- Item Set 17 - Dwarven Medium Armor: +1 Armor
- Item Set 18 - Ancient Elven Armor: +5 Defense
- Item Set 19 - Ceremonial Armor: +6 Defense vs. Missiles
- Item Set 20 - Diligence: +5 Willpower
- Item Set 21 - Dwarven Heavy Armor: +1 Armor
- Item Set 22 - Heavy Chainmail: -3% Fatigue
- Item Set 23 - Chevalier Armor: +3 Willpower +3 Constitution
- Item Set 24 - Commander's Plate: +5 Willpower
- Item Set 25 - Dwarven Massive Armor: +2 Armor
- Item Set 26 - Heavy Plate: +7.5 Defense vs. Missiles
- Item Set 27 - Wade's Superior Drakeskin: -10% Fatigue +5 Defense
- Item Set 28 - Wade's Superior Dragonskin: -25% Fatigue +5 Defense
- Item Set 29 - Wade's Superior Dragonscale: -20% Fatigue +5 Defense
- Item Set 30 - Wade's Superior Dragonbone Plate: -10% Fatigue +5 Defense
- Secret - Armor Of The River Dane Set: +6 Willpower +1 Cunning +6 Attack +4 Defense
- Secret - Warden's Commander: +? Health +? Strength
Note: This trick only works in the unpatched version of the game. In Ostargar, do the 'Tainted Blood' mission that is unlocked immediately before you become a Grey Warden. Collect the three Vials of Darkspawn Blood, but not the Grey Warden Treaties. Return to camp, talk to Duncan, and report 'We have the blood, but not the scrolls.' You will exit out of the conversation, but still get the experience for the mission. You can repeat this as many times as desired. It does not take long to reach the level 25 cap if you skip the conversations to speed up the process.
Note: This trick requires you have the Trap Making ability. In Lothering, go to the right after exiting Dane's Refuge (near the center of Lothering). There will be a quest giver by the name of Allison. She will ask you to make traps, and requires three traps to complete the quest. Once you complete the quest, you will get a moderate amount of experience and 50 silver. You can repeat this quest as many times as desired; however, the quest will become unavailable as you progress through the game. To keep repeating the quest, go back to Dane's Refuge, and buy Trap Triggers. He has an unlimited supply of them. As long as you have Trap Making, create Spring Traps. Spring Traps only cost approximately 3 silver to create, and she requires three traps each time. Thus, it only costs you roughly 9 silver for the quest.
To get extra experience points early in the game, go to the city of Denerim as soon as you leave Lothering. Then, enter the 'Wonders of Thedas' building, and purchase the Archivist's Belt. While it is equipped, you will get an experience point boost for everything in your Codex. Books will increase from 50 to 75 experience points.
Unlocking specializations for all classesNote: The Character Respec Addon V1.6 must be installed for this trick to work. In almost every town or village in Ferelden, you can find a raven (small black bird). Talk to the raven to get a free Specialization Respec potion. Talk to him again, and select 'Look into his eyes'. Then, select your class to unlock 2/4 of each character specializations for free. Note: You must switch between each character to unlock their individual specializations. You cannot do all of them at once.
Free Specialization booksSave the game, then buy a Specialization book from a vendor. The message 'Specialization Unlocked' will appear. Then, load your saved game, and you will have the gold back that you spent for the book, but the specialization will still be unlocked.
When you first arrive at your party camp, you will see Bodahn Fennick, the Dwarf trader. Speak to him, and view his wares. You will find two Specialization books, Ranger and Templar. Save the game, then buy one to unlock that Specialization. Reload your game, and buy the other one. You will now have both specialties unlocked and still retain your gold after reloading your game again. This works with all Specialization books.
Redistributing attribute pointsNote: The following trick works with Patch 1.01a. At the attribute screen while leveling up, add points to the attribute you want to actually take attribute points away from. Then, press [Reset], and take the desired number of attribute points from the attribute you just added points to and redistribute them to a new attribute. For example, if your character has 18 STR and 18 DEX when you level up, and you want to take 3 DEX away and add it to STR, add 3 level up attribute points to DEX to bring it to 21. Press [Reset] to bring DEX back down to 18. Then, press the left arrow by DEX three times to bring it down to 15, and reassign all points to STR. If you want to reassign more than 3 points at a time, add 3 points to an attribute, press [Reset], add 3 more points to the same attribute, and repeat. When you press the left arrow by the attribute, you will be able to subtract the total number of points you added.
Extra storageIn Lothering, go towards a bridge on the edge of town. There will be a bridge where a Dwarven father and son are getting attacked. If you save and are nice to them, they will be in your party's camp when you arrive shortly afterwards. They are merchants, and the son is an enchanting savant. The father has good items to start. Buy the items, using the 'Easy gold' glitch if needed. He never seems to lose what you sell him. You can basically use him as free storage. This works well for players without the 'Warden's Keep' downloadable content's bottomless chest, or if you do not want to keep traveling to Soldier's Peak to retrieve your excess inventory.
Extra backpack in OstagarWhen you arrive in Ostagar, buy the Backpack from the Quartermaster. Note: You should have enough money all long as you collected sell-able items and gear during the beginning storyline. Successfully complete the quest where you and the other recruits enter the Wilds; make sure you explore the entire map. Successfully complete the 'Joining' ritual, and become a Grey Warden. Before attending the meeting with Duncan and the King, go back to the Quartermaster, and there should be another Backpack available to purchase at the same price as before.
Summoning wolf and bear simultaneouslyRouges that have the Ranger talent and all skills can summon a wolf and a bear at the same time. This trick does not work with the spider. When you are summoning the wolf and your cast time bar is almost over, click to summon the bear. Your character will summon the wolf first, and then summon the bear. You can control both animals.
Armed MagesIt is possible for Mages to not just cast magic but also use armor and weapons. Once you have acquired the Arcane Warrior style, you can use armor and weapons in exchange for magic. You do not have to worry about taking physical damage any longer because of the armor. You do not have to keep your distance from enemies and can use all the spells desired. Note: This ability is obtained in the 'Nature Of The Beast' quest with the Dalish Elves. You must go into the temple and find a vial that seems odd. A short cutscene will begin and will involve you. After a long series of questioning, it will offer to pass on its talents of an Arcane Warrior to you and your party in exchange for its freedom.
GiftsGifts help raise each party member's liking of the 'Warden' or main character you create. The following is a list of the gifts each party member likes and will help to get on their good side instead of their wrathful side:
- Alistair: Alidtair's Mothers Amulet, Stone Warrior Statue, Stone Dragon Statue, Black Runestone, White Runestone, Duncan's Shield, Joining Chalice, Onyx Demon Statue, Small Carved Statue
- Liliana: Andraste's Grace, Blue Satin Boots, Bronze, Steel and Gold Symbol of Andraste, Cute Nug, Etched Silver Symbol, Chantry Amulet, Silver Sword of Mercy
- Morigan: Silver Chain. Gold Mirror, Flemeth's Grimoire, Flemeth's Real Grimoire, Gold Amulet, Golden Demon Pendant, Golden Rope Necklace, Locket, Silver Brooch, Silver Medallion
- Oghren: All the alcoholic drinks you find
- Sten: Sten's Sword, Totem, the paintings you find
- Wynne: Fancy Scroll, Wine, the books you find
- Zevran: Dalish Gloves, Antivian Leather Boots, gold and silver bars
There is a book titled 'Load Limit Reached' that you can find in the Orzammar underground section 'The Dead Trenches', near the 'Legionnaire Shrine' at the end of a broken bridge. The first line in the book is 'Mass will have an effect'. It mentions a Dwarf named Shepard, which is the same name as the main character of Mass Effect.
Monty Python And The Search for the Holy Grail referenceWhile traveling on the world map, you may encounter a group of people around a stump, claiming that if you pull it out, you are destined to become king of Thedas. This will prompt banter between them. 'Pulling a drunken loggers axe out of stump is hardly something to base a system of government off of.'; 'He must be a king.'; 'Why do you say that?'; 'Because he doesn't have dung all over him.' This is a reference from the beginning of Monty Python And The Search For The Holy Grail.
Portal referenceNote: You must have Sten in your party for this trick to work. At the end of the game, if you choose to perform the ritual with Morrigan, you will go to the crowning of the new king or queen. After the dialogue with Alistair, you can walk around and talk to your companions. Find Sten, and he will say 'Where is the cake? They promised there would be cake. The cake is a lie...'
Superman referenceDragon Age Origins Warrior
The following event is random and occurs while traveling on the world map. You will encounter a farmer and his wife who find a baby in a meteor crash, right after it happens. They decide to take the baby and raise it as their own. You get the Meteor Ore the baby came in. It can be made into armor by Wade in Denerim. A good way to get this event to occur is from one of the Chantry Board missions in Redcliffe. Travel straight from Redcliffe to Refugees.
Easy 'Silver Tongued' achievementIn Orzammar, there is a man named Vartag in the Chamber of Assembly. Speak with him about earning Lord Behlen's trust. He should give you papers that state Lord Harrowmont sold the same piece of land to two people. After he gives you the papers, go to the Shaperate in the Diamond Quarter. It is at the opposite end of the entrance to the Commons. Once you are in the Shaperate, talk to the Shaperate, and give him the papers. He will tell you they are forged. Then, go back to Vartag, and tell him the papers are forged. After you have done this, a Persuade line will appear. Keep persuading him until you get the 'Silver Tongued' achievement. Note: It helps if you have a high Coercion and/or Cunning skill. Also, if you made a Dwarf Commoner, your sister will take you directly to Vartag once you have entered the Diamond Quarter.
AchievementsAccomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points:

- Last of Your Line (10 points): Completed the Human Noble origin story.
- Corrupted (10 points): Completed the Dalish Elf origin story.
- Conscripted (10 points): Completed the City Elf origin story.
- Harrowed (10 points): Completed the Magi origin story.
- Casteless (10 points): Completed the Dwarf Commoner origin story.
- Kinslayer (10 points): Completed the Dwarf Noble origin story.
- Last of the Wardens (20 points): Completed Ostagar.
- Standard-Bearer (20 points): Used the Grey Warden treaties to recruit all possible allies.
- Hero of Redcliffe (20 points): Completed 'The Arl of Redcliffe'.
- Rabble-Rouser (20 points): Completed 'The Landsmeet'.
- Mercenary (20 points): Complete 15 job-board quests.
- Recruiter (25 points): Across all playthroughs, recruited all party members.
- Hopelessly Romantic (25 points): Across all playthroughs, experienced all possible romances.
- Perfectionist (50 points): Across all playthroughs, discovered all possible endings.
- Educated (15 points): Used a tome to improve the main character's attributes, talents, spells, or skills.
- Magic Sympathizer (20 points): Sided with the mages in 'Broken Circle'.
- Annulment Invoker (20 points): Sided with the templars in 'Broken Circle'.
- Slayer (20 points): Sided with the werewolves in 'Nature of the Beast'.
- Poacher (20 points): Sided with the elves in 'Nature of the Beast'.
- Sacrilegious (20 points): Sided with the Cult of Andraste in 'The Urn Of Sacred Ashes'.
- Ceremonialist (20 points): Defied the Cult of Andraste in 'The Urn of Sacred Ashes'.
- Bhelen's Ally (20 points): Sided with Bhelen in 'A Paragon of Her Kind'.
- Harrowmont's Ally (20 points): Sided with Harrowmont in 'A Paragon of Her Kind'.
- Liberator (20 points): Destroyed the Anvil of the Void.
- Pragmatist (20 points): Preserved the Anvil of the Void.
- Heavy Hitter (10 points): Main character inflicted 250 damage with a single hit.
- Bloodied (10 points): Completed an origin story without the main character ever falling in battle.
- Traveler (35 points): Set foot in every area in the game.
- Master of Arms (25 points): Main character achieved level 20 as a warrior.
- Shadow (25 points): Main character achieved level 20 as a rogue.
- Archmage (25 points): Main character achieved level 20 as a mage.
- Pilgrim (10 points): Completed a Chanter's Board quest.
- Grey Warden (20 points): Killed 100 darkspawn.
- Master Warden (25 points): Killed 500 darkspawn.
- Blight-Queller (25 points): Killed 1000 darkspawn.
- Tinkerer (10 points): Crafted an item.
- Persuasive (10 points): Succeeded at five difficult Persuasion attempts.
- Silver Tongued (20 points): Succeeded at 25 difficult Persuasion attempts.
- Bully (10 points): Succeeded at five difficult Intimidate attempts.
- Menacing (20 points): Succeeded at 10 difficult Intimidate attempts.
- First Knight (10 points): Experienced the thrill of romance with Alistair.
- Witch Gone Wild (10 points): Experienced the thrill of romance with Morrigan.
- Easy Lover (10 points): Experienced the thrill of romance with Zevran.
- Wine, Woman, and Song (10 points): Experienced the thrill of romance with Leliana.
- Veteran (25 points): Main character learned a specialization.
- Elite (30 points): Main character learned two specializations.
Additionally, there are four secret achievements:
- A Dark Promise (50 points): Defeated the archdemon and, through a dark ritual with Morrigan, spared your own life.
- The Ultimate Sacrifice (50 points): Made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of Ferelden.
- Dragonslayer (30 points): Defeated the dragon guarding the Urn of Sacred Ashes.
- Defender (20 points): Preserved the lives of half the troops at Denerim's Gates in 'The Final Battle'.
The following achievements require 'The Stone Prisoner' bonus downloadable content:
- Rock and a Hard Place (25 points): Completed 'The Golem in Honnleath'.
- Stone's Lament (25 points): Completed 'A Golem's Memories'.
The following achievements require the 'Warden's Keep' bonus downloadable content:
- Diabolist (25 points): Took advantage of Avernus's research.
- Master of the Peak (25 points): Completed 'Soldier's Peak'.
The following achievement requires the 'Return To Ostagar' bonus downloadable content:
- In War, Victory (25 points): Defeated the ogre that killed King Calin.
The following achievements require the 'Awakening' bonus downloadable content:
- The Enduring Vigil (30 points): Acquired all upgrades for Vigil's Keep.
- Awakening (50 points): Completed Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening.
- Commander of the Grey (30 points): Reached level 30.
Additionally, there are five secret achievements with the 'Awakening' bonus downloadable content:
- Savior of Kal'Hirol (30 points): Destroyed the broodmothers in Kal'Hirol.
- Blind Vengeance (30 points): Escaped the silverite mines.
- Pride Before The Fall (30 points): Defeated the baroness.
- Amaranthine's Last Hope (25 points): Saved the city of Amaranthine.
- Keeper of the Vigil (25 points): Saved Vigil's Keep.
The following achievement requires the 'Darkspawn Chronicles' bonus downloadable content:
- Bane of Thedas (25 points): Handed victory to the archdemon by killing Ferelden's last Grey Warden.
Additionally, there are two secret achievements with the 'Darkspawn Chronicles' bonus downloadable content:
- Enthralling (25 points): Earned maximum approval from all types of thralls.
- Ogre's Keeper (25 points): Kept the initial ogre alive through the whole story.
The following achievements require the 'Leliana's Song' bonus downloadable content:
- Provocateur (50 points): Collected and assembled the Battledress of the Provocateur.
- Turning Point (25 points): Heard Leliana's version of her betrayal.
- Vendetta (25 points): Destroyed the career of Guard Captain Eams.
The following achievements require the 'Golems Of Amgarrak' bonus downloadable content:
- Reaper (25 points): Defeated the Harvester.
- Grim Reaper (50 points): Defeated the Harvester on Hard or Nightmare difficulty.
- A Secret Stitched Together (25 points): Gathered all of the research notes in Amgarrak.
The following achievements require the 'Witch Hunt' bonus downloadable content:
- Varterral's Fall (25 points): Defeated the varterral on Hard or Nightmare difficulty.
- Witch Hunter (25 points): Completed 'Witch Hunt'.
- A Time of Wood and Stone (25 points): Gathered the lost lore of Cadash Thaig.
- Through the Looking Glass (25 points): Completed the scrying ritual.