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For anyone out there with Hearts of Iron on Steam, a new big update has been released for the Equestria At War mod.On top of already touting a bunch of new civilizations, hundreds of icons, loads of new art, and mechanics that line up more toward a pony fantasy world, this expansion introduces the ponies of the Riverlands, introducing their world to the already massive amount of stuff available.

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- Better Than Canon: How some of the actual bronies that play this feel about the mod. The Darker and Edgier tone is actually done quite well and can expand on some of the implications raised in the original show.
- Friendly Fandoms: With the other Hearts of Iron mod communities such as The New Order: Last Days of Europe and Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg, who have expressed their surprise that a mod involving My Little Pony as a setting of all things has been done really well. Those fandoms essentially make up the Periphery Demographic.
- In Name Only: while most MLP mods actually do nothing but violate visual style with pony themed icons, textures and occasionally models, Equestria At War has its own lore and even map and tries not to forget about canon story. But while original MLP tends to be fantasy, here we have Weird Crossover where coutries copy real prototypes taken from early XX century pretty straight and so most differences in military are various A.K.A.-47 and uniform styles, while a lot of magic and other racial traits are sacrificed to game mechanics. Especially significant are Changelingswith tanks.
- Just Here for Godzilla: Some people play the mod because of the Friendship is Magic setting rather than in spite of it, with them either having no prior interest to Hearts of Iron or at least its mods.
- Periphery Demographic: If the fandom's statements are to be believed, a good number of the players aren't bronies or have only seen bits of the show years before the mod's creation. It really helps that the dev team has made the lore accessible for those that have never seen a second of Friendship is Magic, and the OC characters are easy to figure out. In fact, this mod has encouraged some Hearts of Iron fans to watch the show.
- That One Boss: Equestria will annoy players to no end by guaranteeing intended targets for conquest later in the game.