Heres the problem with that my friend, there is no 2 player on grand theft auto vice city:/ i looked throughout the whole game, and having completed all of it, turnss out there never was two. GTAinside is the ultimate Mod Database for GTA 5, GTA 4, San Andreas, Vice City & GTA 3. We're currently providing more than 45,000 modifications for the Grand Theft Auto series. We wish much fun on this site and we hope that you enjoy the world of GTA Modding. Read more. For Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs Answers question titled 'Two Player mode?'
Which game is better gta 4 or godfather 2?
godfather part 2 is better because you get to create your player.
How do you play 2 player in gta v online?
How do you play 2 player on gta san Andreas?
How do you play 2 player on grand theft auto 4 on Xbox 360?
I'm afraid that the only way to play 2 player on GTA IV is to go online...
What are all the GTA games in the series of GTA?
Gta 1 gta London 1969 gta London 1961 gta 2 gta 3 gta vice city gta san Andreas gta advance gta liberty city stories gta vice city stories gta 4 gta 4 the lost and damned gta Chinatown wars gta 4 the ballad of gay tony gta 4 the lost and damned and gta 4 the ballad of gay tony are both availabe in gta episodes from liberty city. People said that gta 5 will… Read More
How many GTAare there for PC?
Currently there are following versions of gta or pc-- 1- GTA SAN ANDREAS 2-GTA 4 3-GTA VICE CITY 4-GTA 3 etc
Where is 2 player in grand theft vice city?
There is not any option to play multi-player in gta vc.You can do the multi player in gta vcs and gta sa.The developers haven't provided that feature in the game.
How do you get 2player game on gta vice city stories?
Two Player Y8
There isn't there any 2 player mode in the gta vc game.You can play multi player in the latest game by Developer that is GTA 5.
How do you get 2 players in gta 4 Liberty City?
You cannot play multiplayer (2-player) on the game. You can however, play online with other players. But you can only do 1 player per console.
How do you get 2 player on Grand Theft Auto san adreas?
GO on net and type S.A.M.P. and if u like gta buy gta 4! best game i suggest u prototype too!
How many original versions are there of Grand Theft Auto?
4. gta 1 ,gta 2,gta 3, gta 4.vice city, san andreas,liberty city,world on the click
Is GTA 4 the same as GTA 3?

No, definatelly not. GTA 3 is kinda old, it was released in 2001. After this, they released GTA VICE CITY (2002) and GTA SAN ANDREAS (2004). GTA 4 is a new game, released in 2008. It's much modern than GTA 3. GTA 3 is only 2 cd's for the game (pc version), yet GTA 4 is 4 dvd's. That give an idea of how different the graphics and everything is.
What is the next gta?
The newest Grand Theft Auto games are the 3 'episodes from liberty city.' It includes the games: gta 4 gta 4: The Lost And Damned gta 4: The Ballad Of Gay Tony BEST 2 GET THE COMBO PACK THAT HAS ALL 3 I HAVE THAT
Do cheats still work on gta 4 if your on multiplayer?
No, Single Player cheats do not work in the multi-player games.
Where is the 2 player on GTA sanendreas?
There is no 2 player function on it. But there is SAMP (San Andreas Multi player) which you can play with people around the world.
Can you play 2 player on grand theft auto 6 for xbox?
When you make up the game's title no one can answer the question. GTA 5 has not been released. You also must mean the Xbox 360 not the old Xbox that is no longer being made. The GTA 4 also had Episodes for Liberty City and Ballard of Gay Tony and are part of the GTA 4 complete Edition for the Xbox 360 or PS3 and are not GTA 5 and GTA 6
Is there 2player in GTA sanandreas?
How do you do 2 player in GTA4?
Unfortunately, there is no two player in GTA 4 if your not playing online. You cant hook up to controllers like you could in GTA San Andreas. But if you mean two players online, than all you have to do is bring up Nikos Phone menu and scroll to Multiplayer.
How do you lidicate on a car in gta 4?
You don't have turn signals on GTA4 usable by the player.
How do you get 2 player on gta 5 for xbox360?
Gta V( 5) has not come out yet there for no one knows besides the developers. But when it does i will answer ASAP
How many gta?
1.san andreas 2.gta 1 3.gta 2 4.gta 3 5. gta 4 6. vice city 7. liberty city stories 8. vice city stories 9. episodes from liberty city 10. gta iv complete edition ( niko bellic, ballad of gay tony, lost and damned) and coming soon gta 5
How do you get 2 players on gta iv?
Simply.... You cant. Read the back of the box man it tells you how many player between 1-4 CNT YOU READ??
Can you play 2 player in grand theft auto liberty city stories?
No the only GTA games that allow you to play multiplayer are san Andreas and 4
How do you get 2 player mode on ps2 gta san Andres?
go to dillymore, there is a two player icon there.
2 player on Gta vice city stories?
How do you get two player on vice city stories? urgent!
Is GTA 4 2 players?
Is there 2 player for gta ballad of gay tony?
How do you play gta 4 two player?
You really cant but you can register online and play multiplayer
What is the chronology for Grand Theft Auto?
GTA London 1961, GTA London 1969, GTA Vice City Stories (1984), GTA Vice City (1986), GTA San Adreas (1992), GTA (1997?), GTA Liberty City Stories (1998), GTA 2 (1999), GTA 3 (2001), GTA 4 (2008).
Is gta 6 name is gta iv?
How do you get 2 player on gta vice city stories?
The game is not a multi-Player game so getting two player is impossible until unless you know about the development of the game modify it.You can switch between player and multi-player in the game gta 5.
How do you do multiplayer on Grand Theft Auto vice city stories?
There is no way you can do multi-player. You can do multi player in SanAndreas and GTA 4.
Is gta 2 gta san Andreas?
'no that's gta liberty city.....good game!' no gta 2 is gta 2. literally what its called
How do you get a airplane in gta 4?
There are no airplanes in GTA 4, only helicopters.
Can you be a cop in gta 4?
you can play the online game mode 'cops and crooks' or you can get a player selector mod.
Which Game is better GTA 4 or GTA episodes from Liberty City?
The episodes, because you get 2 games for 1... + the 2 games are much better than gta4
How do you turn your player model into a zombie on Grand Theft Auto 4?
You go online in gta 4 ranked match and kill a player with the zombie character on, after you do that go on to player model in a lobby or on your gta phone and press 'LB' (left bumper) to change your model to a zombie model. hope you guys hav fun XD
Which game is better GTA 4 or GTA 4 china town?
How do you have mods on gta 4?
Is grant theft auto 3 2 players?
no. the only gta game to hace 2- player is sanandreas
Is GTAV 2 player?
No, there is no 2 player version through any GTA version. The multiplayer ability is listed to go live for October 1st, 2013
How do you get 2 player mode on vice city?
There is no 2 player mode in the game.You cannot play multi player the vice city game.You can play only in the latest gta 5.
Where can you find 2 players in gta vice city stories?
How do you unlock planes?
In every gta game you have to unlock them but in gta 4 you put cheats in. The other gta games you can fly by completing the missions. If you are on about the big passenger planes you cannot fly them in any gta game apart from san Andreas and gta 4 but in gta 4 you have to buy them with Microsoft live points.
Is there a GTA sanandeas stories?
No, There is no gta sanandeas stories. There is only Gta Vc Stories. After SanAndreas you can go for GTA 4.
How do you get in 2 cars in 2 player mode in GTA San Andreas?
there are cheats. you have to go to like to find them though
How do you get 2 player on Grand Theft Auto IV?
You can't get 2 player on G.T.A IV You can't play multiplayer on gta IV in story you can't but if you have online you can.
Grand Theft Auto for playstation 2?
The original GTA games can be played on the PS2: GTA I, GTA 2, GTA London. GTA games for the PS2: GTA III, GTA Vice City, GTA: Liberty City Stories, GTA Vice City Stories, GTA San Andreas.
Can you get married to Michelle in GTA 4 on Xbox 360?
How many Grand Theft Auto's are there?
I'm not 100% sure on this.. but i think there is 9. gta gta London gta 2 gta 3 gta vice city gta san Andreas gta vice city stories gta liberty city stories gta 4 like i said not 100% sure.. but that sounds about right. That list is almost right. Here are the up to date details: The GTA games produced to date are: GTA I GTA London GTA 2 GTA III GTA: Vice… Read More
Is Grand Theft Auto 3 two player?
Were is the two player mode in Grand Theft Auto vice city?
There is no 2 player in Grand Theft Auto Vice City.
How do you get two players on Grand Theft Auto?
Currently, not including multiplayer versions, the only Grand Theft Auto with official two player multiplayer is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Is there two player missions on grand theft auto san Andreas?
There is no 2 player missions on grand theft : san andreas.
How do you get two player on gta VI?

Did you mean Grand Theft Auto: V or Grand Theft Auto: IV? You can get Multiplayer on Xbox Live or PlayStation Network easily but only On Grand Theft Auto IV.
Is Grand Theft Auto liberty two players?
How do you get on 2 player mode on Grand Theft Auto IV?
There never was one in GTA IV to begin with. They removed Two-player Splitscreen from the game not long after Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas.
Is Grand Theft Auto 5 two players?
Is there two player on grand theft auto vice city stories?
What is the 2 player cheat for Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories?
Is Grand Theft Auto four made for playstation two?
No, Grand Theft Auto IV is not on the PS2, it is on the PS3.
Does Grand Theft Auto 5 have two discs?
Yes, Grand Theft Auto 5 does have two discs which are designed to install the game.
How do you play two players on grand theft auto vice city?
How do you get Grand Theft Auto two on the computer on Grand Theft Auto Four?
The Grand Theft Auto 2 on Grand Theft Auto IV is a fake, In bloopers, glitches, and silly stuff by Ben Buja from Machinima, they show it. All they did was push forward on Right stick, and added GTA 2 sound effects.
Is there two player on grand theft auto vice city PS2?
As there is no multiplayer mode in gta vice city so you cannot play multiplayer in the game.You can play multiplayer in grand theft auto 5 that is the latest game by them.
How do you play two players on the new Grand Theft Auto?
i only know about gta4 you can only play multiplayer in grand theft auto 4
Is there two players on Grand Theft Auto 3?
no because grand theft auto 3 is a game where 1 person has to beat all the missions
Is there a Grand Theft Auto online game?
Yes,there are two: 1.San Andreas Multiplayer (SA:MP) 2.Grand Theft Auto IV Multiplayer
How do you get two players online on Grand Theft Auto IV?
You can't, GTA IV is a single player.....even online.
Is there two GTA 4?
There are actually 3 Grand Theft Auto 4's, Grand Theft Auto 4 and the two Episodes from Liberty City, The Ballad Of Gay Tony and The Lost and the Damned.
What do the icons look like for 2 player Grand Theft Auto San Andreas?
It will either be two people together or two skulls together.
If GTA Vice City for Xbox 2 player how can you play it?
Heres the problem with that my friend, there is no 2 player on grand theft auto vice city :/ i looked throughout the whole game, and having completed all of it, turnss out there never was two player. however, there is two player on Grand Theft Auto, San Andreas. And you can find that, by just looking through the map, and after a while you shoud find it
Is there a 2-player Grand Theft Auto game?
The only one I know of is GTA San Andreas, because I have it, and yes it is a two-player game.
Can you play Grand Theft Auto 4 two players on the same Xbox on Xbox live?
grand theft auto four can only be played with one person on one console
Can you makeout with somebody in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas?
Yes, you can make out with your girlfriend and also with player 2 if you are playing two players
Is grand theft auto 3 san Andreas?
Who created Grand Theft Auto?
Where is grand theft auto 3 two player place on city one?
in a place where you dont belong now p**s off hahahahahahaahahahahahahahaah
Can you play two players in grand theft auto 4?
Is grand theft auto for xbox two players?
In grand theft auto san Andreas for two player is there a cheat to make 1st player drive a car and then 2nd player can drive a different car?
When did Grand Theft Auto come out?
The series began in 1997 and currently has nine stand-alone games with two expansion packs for the original and two expansion packs being released for the latest console installment, Grand Theft Auto IV.
What is the difference between Grand Theft Auto Liberty City stories and Grand Theft Auto episodes from Liberty City?
Liberty City Stories was made for PS2 on top of the GTAIII engine, when GTA Episodes from Liberty City is an add on content made for XBOX360 version of the GTAIV having two episodes: 'The Lost and Damned' and 'Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony' Both add-on episodes for the XBOX360 were also released as a standalone game called Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City that does not require the original Grand… Read More
Can you play two players on grand theft auto 4 on Xbox 360 arcade?
no. You can only play 2 player on Xbox Live (2-16)
Which is the worst Grand Theft Auto?
According to my point of view the worst is the Grand Theft Auto London. It was the first game of the series and was quite boring due to undetailed and two-dimensional graphics. Also the gameplay was not to attractive.
What games did Jews play before Nazi Germany took over?
modern warfare 2 and occasionally if they were bored the played two player on grand theft auto
Are there any strip clubs on grand theft auto 3?
Yes there are two on the first island: Salvatore's Gentlemen's Club and Sex Club Seven. These are not availible to the player.
What is the cheat code to get two million dollar in grand theft auto?
there is not a 2,000 or 2,000,000$$ cheat for gta.
How do you play two player on grand theft auto iv online with the same playstation?
You go to the stripclup and go in with the girl and look on that computer then u press x and it sould work
Is Grand Theft Auto the Lost and the Damned coming out on PS3?
No They were released as the first of two Xbox 360 exclusiives
How do you become a cop Grand Theft Auto san andreas?
to become a cop on grand theft auto sanandreas go on to two player in the country and keep preesing right until you find the cop and this is true (Cyclops): OR: You get your girlfriend Barbara Schternvart 100% for the cop uniform. Once you got it, you can wear it by going to your closet in any house and select it under the category: 'Special'
How do you dial numbers on grand theft auto iv phone for the xbox 360?
Grand Theft Auto is available for the Xbox 360. More content is available for GTAIV for Xbox 360 users. For example, the two expansion packs that have been released for Grand Theft Auto IV on the Xbox 360 (The Lost and Damned, The Ballad of Gay Tony) are exclusive. PS3 users cannot access these expansions on the PlayStation Network.
Can two people play grand theft auto 4 on the same xbox 360?
How do you get double pistol in grand theft auto 4?
Get two pistols and put them together and it will make a double pistol! TADA!
How do you you play 2 player on Grand Theft Auto Chinatown Wars DS?
There are two diffrent ways to play two player in Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. First you can play two player useing the New Wi-Fi mode. With the Wi-Fi mode you are able to play with diffrent people around the world. In order to play Wi-Fi mode you must connect your Psp, Ds, Iphone with Wi-Fi. Or you can play wirelessly with friend. To do this have a friend with a Psp, Ds, Or Iphone… Read More
Why is Grand Theft Auto an 18 plus?
There are two reasons for it: Excessive manslaughter and criminal tendencies of the playable character. Nudity and Sexuality.
What is the invincibility cheat code for grand theft auto 4 on PS2?
How do you get hoes in grand theft auto San Andreas?
Craft one with two sticks and two wooden planks, cobblestone, diamonds, or iron/gold ignots
What is the fastest car in Grand Theft Auto 4?
The Infernus is the fastest car in Grand Theft Auto IV. It is really rare. Another fast car is the Turismo, which is easier to come across. Turismo's can be found in a car dealership about two blocks south of Roman's safehouse in Algonquin (the second island).
How do you get a jetpack for Grand Theft Auto vice city stories?
there is no jetpack for Grand Theft Auto - Vice City.- this answer is correct for gta vice city, but not for GTA vice city stories. there are two different games. i dont know if there is a jetpack in vice city stories, but at least in vice city there isn`t