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Where To Sell Stuff In Whiterun
  1. Where To Sell Stuff In Whiterun

If you're trying to sell at night, most inns will buy food, and some will buy weapons and apparel. The people at the general store will buy anything except stolen stuff, but only in the daytime. If you get a house, you can put stuff in there and go on quests unencombered until you want to sell. A lot of people think of eBay as a website where you can sell stuff to anyone and ship it worldwide. While eBay certainly is a great platform for selling stuff to customers who don’t live nearby, including international buyers, it’s also a great website to sell stuff locally as well. Just start creating a listing on eBay, as you normally would.

Where To Sell Stuff In Whiterun

Just relax, and if this thread annoys you, no one is forcing you to stay :D

Now to my point:
All the vendors are assholes in this game...
'Hey, this gem I found has a value of 110g, what will you give me for it?'
'Uhh... what? Can't I persuade you to give me a better deal?'
*45 minutes of killing and re-loading saves later*
'here is your 45g, I HAVE THE BEST PRICES IN TOWN'

So far, I have been selling my stuff in Dawnstar. Potions to the crazy potion lady, weapons and apparel to the blacksmith couple, and everything else to a Khajit outside of town that has a 500g daily cap (which is really irritating by the way...)
I have other concerns and questions about Skyrim, but this one is the one that bothers me the most. I am trying to figure out everything about this game for myself (I refuse to look online for help in a brand new single player game), but this just irks me to no end.
Even when I buy mats from these assholes, make shit, and sell it back to them, I am hardly making money >.>

Where To Sell Stuff In Whiterun

Edit: I always called them A-tron-ach, but they are apparently Atro-nack...