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  1. Mugen Infantry

Welcome to Hi-Res Mugen Games! Here you can find Mugen Games with High resolution from Ristar87 I'm going to add another feature, so stay tune ^^. Download Free.

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Mugen infantry

Okay, just a little note..GOKU'S AI IS FUCKING CHEAP!!!!!!!!!

quero saber como que posta chars :/ eu to com um android 18 muito foooda !!!

Did anyone ever answer if this really will kill up your HArd drive?
Other than that, looks awesome. Is there a character limit on it?

I am trying to redownload this but it says its a 502 bad Gateway..

link works for me

download takes fuckin forever!!!!

please..help me..how to put stages into hi res win mugen high resolution????


is it safe? like antivirus wise?

how can u tell if a char is hi-res or not? and how do u change a char from lo-res to hi-res?

Hey guys, I found a good site with some hi-res characters: http://kamekaze.clubsyn-x-treme.net/

P/S: The hi-res ones are all the Yuyu Hakusho characters, the DBZ characters included in the link besides Gohan under the 'DBZ Chars' title and Captain Falcon under the 'Original Chars' title.

Thank you for the download, it helps a lot :)

does it have a mode where you can choose what computer to fight???

say what when i try 2 download it it sais country slots full ad another link please that doesnt say that

You have to use high res chars

i downloaded the hires engine but when i play with my chars, they look pixelated. like, i seen them look clear on utube n stuff. if someone can add a comment to help me out here that wouldbe great :O

You have to use high res chars.

[color=purple]muitto de +++ esse jogo

Is there any screenpack for Hi-res? where i can lot of chars..

can somone please share with me a site that gives hi resolution charecters i cant find any but guilty gear but i want like street fighter ones

wait can this really erase your hard drive

Mugen Infantry

Very sharp resolution, chracters move faster, great verion of Mugen....but theres that little 'Specific' titled readme that says this version can erase your hard drive so I stopped using it. Whats the deal with the erase your hard drive message? can it really do that?

Can you use install any char/stages or just hi-res ones?

You can install low res chars also.

i have a question... can any char be able to play at high def mugen? or just high def chars???

Can someone tell me where I can get Tohou characters? TwT I can only find Hong Meiling.. I want Marisa!

You mind telling me just HOW in the heck u got this game from this d/l site???? It's nothing but CRAP and doesn't give you access to the files!

Changed the site, try again.

pretty cool .. but im looking for dante to fight with vergil .. some1 can tell me where to get it?

grrrrr site made me wait
