I hit this point (around Jupiter) where everything just became ridiculously hard. I go from full shield/health to dead before I can even blink. Not only that, I'm doing like 5 damage per shot to the enemies. It can take an entire clip to kill one guy.
Your mastery rank goes up by ranking up Warframes, Weapons, Companions or Archwings to Rank 30 through Affinity and completing Junctions and nodes on the Sol system.
I think I understand the basics of the game. I've leveled up my mods for my Warframe. Anything that increases my Shields/Health/Armor I pretty much maxed out. My Warframe is at 0/30 capacity, and it's nearly all in Redirection, Steel Fiber, and Vitality. I have 600 shield, 500 health, and 100 armor. The problem being; I'm still getting owned in a split second, and I can't upgrade my Warframe any further.
I'm in the same position with weapons. I got rid of the Mk-1 and bought the regular Braton. Got the Cronus instead of the Skana, etc. I've put any mod into my weapons that will increase my damage, and maxed them out until I have no capacity left. I still damage enemies a stupidly small amount, even with all my stuff at level 30.
Warframe How To Rank Up Mods Faster

I know the idea of this game is to grind (I've lost track of how many times I've farmed Apollodorus for mods), and get better stuff, and I have gotten a few weapon/warframe blueprints. However, I'm missing one component for nearly every blueprint I have. And I can't get those components because they are past Jupiter, and I can't even get through one mission on Jupiter, much less unlock the planets after it. So I feel stuck. I can't even grind the things I need... I need better weapons/warframe to get past Jupiter, yet the components I need for those better weapons/warframes are on planets past Jupiter that I don't have access to...
Warframe How To Rank Up Mods Fast And Die
I figure there has to be something I'm missing. I know I'm not that bad at video games. I've been playing first and third person shooters for decades. I just can't do any damage, or take any damage. I could be the best player in the world, but with the pathetic amount of damage I do/take there is still no way for me to win.
Any advice would be great, thanks!