is a web-portal that informs about Islam, its sciences, its civilization, and its nation. It presents a moderate Islamic perspective. It offers Islamic verdicts on everything related to the Islamic Shari`ah. It provides Arabic, Islamic, and world news. It is concerned about Muslim affairs, arts and cultures, youth problems, marriage and gender issues, and health and science.
Camtasia 9 Serial Key or Camtasia 9 Activator Free. Use the bellow code! Here is the Camtasia Recorder 9 Serial Key. Here is the list of camtasia studio 9 serial key. Please Disable Internet Connection Before Activating it. Camtasia Recorder 9 Serial Key. Top 10 Best Screen Recording Software For Windows. For the record, we're planning to improve the experience with Camtasia and software keys like what was done with Snagit, where you can (optionally) sign into the software and your key will be populated for you if you have it associated with your TechSmith Account. Snagit currently operates this way, but it's still in the works for Camtasia. Apr 01, 2016 Camtasia Studio 9 Crack With Serial Key Free Download. Camtasia Studio 9 is a software that is designed to liberally create presentations and videos devoid of several pressure and stress.It can process directly through the support of screencast. Camtasia 9 Key is the complete professional solution for recording, editing and sharing high-quality screen video on the Web, CD-ROM and portable media players, including iPod. With support for a variety of video standards, you can ensure your content delivery now and in the future. Software key for camtasia studio 9.
Dua Sunat-e-Asar
Transliteration: Bismillah hir Rahmaan nir Raheem. Yaa daimal fadli allal bariyati yaa basital yadaini bil'atiyati wa yaa sahibal mawahibis saniyati wa yaa dafial balai wal baliyati salli alla Muhammadin khairil warayis sajiyati wa'alla allihil bararatin naqiyati wagfirlana yaa zal'hudal oula fii hazal asri wal'ashiyati rabbanaTransliteration: tawaffana muslimina wa'alhiqna bis'salihina salli alla Muhammadiou wa'alla allihi wa'ashabihi ajmaina birahmatika yaa'arhamar raheemin Dua Shuker-e-Allah Bismillah hir Rahmaan nir Raheem. Allahumma inni asbahtu laka laa astatiou daf'aa
Transliteration: Maa akrahu wala amliku naf'aa maa arju mir rahmatika asbahtu murtahinam biamali wa'asbaha amri biyadi gairi fala faqira afqaru minni laa tushmit bi aduvi wala tasubi siddiqi wala taj'aal musibati fii dini wa'dunyaya wala fil akhirati wala tajal musibaati Fid'dunniya wal akhirati
Allahumma inni aouzubika minaz zunobil lati tuzilu bihan niama waminaz zunobil'lati tujibu bihan niqama birahmatika Dua-e-istiazah Bismillah hir Rahmaan nir Raheem.Allahumma inni aouzubika bismikal azami
Transliteration: Bikalimatikat tammati min sharris sammati walhammati wa'aouzubika bismikal azami wakalimatikat tammati min sharri ibadika wamin sharri azabika wa'aouzubika bismikal azami wakalimatikat tammati min sharri qulli shaitanim maridaou wa'min sharri qulli jabbarin anidaou wa'aouzubika bismikal azami wakalimatikat tammati min sharri qulli maa yajri bihil lailu wannaharu inna
- Only Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala knows their true meanings, as well as those whom He cares to give this knowledge to, the foremost among them being the Holy Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam. The mashaaikh are agreed that Taa Haa and Yaa Seen are attributive names of praise for the blessed Prophet Sallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam.
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