Posted by admin
'I really hope aliens are in the base game, because on their Facebook page they asked what alien is your favourite and why would they ask that if it was just a skin colour you can have.'
Just a 'clarification' about this comment, the full message in their Facebook page was: 'There is still time to do this week's The Sims 4 Challenge! Which of these fan-made alien Sims are your favorite?'. That is because in the main sims page you will find a link to the sims 4 academy, within it there's the sims 4 create a sim challenge, last week was creating a sim that you would date, this week was 'create a sim that looks like they come from another planet'. I would add the direct link but it seems that I'm still missing a few points to do so QQ.
Not having supernaturals in the base game is killing me. but there are some stuff that intrigues me and I think they will add supernaturals later on. I hope. - No supernaturals--even ghosts--in TS4 so far certainly breaks radically with TS3's new supernatural/EP tradition. Just a hasty omission or a deliberate change of policy? Disappointing either way3
- Did anyone else not get an alien vibe from the trailer? I finally got around to watching it and not once did I think 'Aliens!!!' They were just green sims. It didn't even feel like they were trying to give the appearance of aliens, just weird green and blue sims mixed in with regular ones.
They also had special genetics. You could create unusual hybrids - like the ones without noses. But that was probably a bugI'm not sure why people are upset over the fact that they aren't 'real' aliens. I get that in TS2, the only way to get a green sim was through an alien pregnancy. But the Sim didn't do anything special. It was just green with black eyes that behaved exactly like a normal sim. The only difference is that we can make green and blue sims in CAS now instead of having to 'unlock' green sims through an alien abduction.
Now that you mention it, I do remember the ones without much of a nose now. Man, I hated that, but assumed that it was just a part of alien genetics. Now I kinda want to make an alien family with no noses in TS4.Origin ID: meggiewes
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