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FTL: Faster Than Light has a small, though active modding community. Modding FTL is relatively easy and limited, however it allows for a great deal of customization. FTL: The Rebel Flagship (current version 3.0): a mod that adds a rebel ship to the hangar. However, it appears that this mod is no longer under developement). FTL Double Glaive, Pre-ignited, with Hacking! Rand gets 3 one shots on the boss! - Duration: 58:45. Rand118 66,159 views. Halo: Wolfpack (thread 7) - '/qst/ - Quests' is 4chan's imageboard for grinding XP.
Published by 6 years ago , last updated 5 months agoMacdrive 10 torrent download. Posted on October 25, 2012, Phil Hornshaw 5 FTL Mods That Make the Game Even More Awesome
You’ve been chased by the Rebel Fleet up and down the galaxy. Maybe you’ve unlocked all the ships and sent the Rebel Flagship packing (and maybe you haven’t). But the point is, you’ve got FTL: Faster Than Light, and you’re wondering if there’s more.
Good news: there is. FTL, the great ship management rogue-like from Subset Games, has a burgeoning mod community that’s already expanding the game and adding new features and content to the base title. For the time being, modding the game is something of a difficult and arduous process, but modders are still diligently pressing on. We’ve reached out to Subset to see what the developers think of this … development, and whether they intend to open the game up to modding proper in the future.
While we’re waiting to hear back on that, you can check out the mods that players have made in the meantime — adding new ships, scenarios, weapons and more to FTL. There’s a big master list of mods you can find in the FTL forums here, but we’ve narrowed down five of our favorites in the list below.
5.5. Grognak’s Mod Manager
We’re not counting this one as part of the list (hence the 5.5), but it’s something that will make adding FTL mods a whole lot easier. This mod utility makes adding stuff to FTL a great deal easier, and lots of mods, especially those found in the official FTL forums, make use of it. So you should snag it, too.

Get the mod here.
5. Diversity Mod
Modder Bakad added a number of graphical tweaks to FTL, increasing the diversity of various assets in the game to add variety. The result is a handful of new graphical assets for things like weapons and firepower — and the result is that things look a little better when you play through the game, gathering stuff up.
This is a fairly simple mod, but as you install different weapons and use them, you’ll start to notice the difference. Laser blasts, missile pods and the like change from weapon to weapon with greater regularity, which will make you feel like you’re doing more to augment your ship when you lay down new components. It’s a subtle change, but it makes the game a little more dynamic while maintaining FTL’s signature, somewhat simplistic style.
Get the mod here.
4. Weaponanza!
A number of modders seem to feel as though FTL could use more guns to plug into its ships, and there are a few mods that add additional weapons to the game. Modder Buzzyrecky has loaded out eight original new weapons in this mod, plus eight more improved “Mark X” versions of weapons both old and new. Those improved weapons don’t replace the old weapons, and can’t be found or bought normally, but the mod includes a number of new events players can run into that offer up new gear when completed.
The cool thing about Weaponanza is that it adds new stuff to the game, but it seems the author has been pretty conscious of balance. While there are other mods that offer superpowered weapons, for the most part, Weaponanza adds diversity without breaking the game. There are a few extra-powerful things you can find out there, though.
Ftl Rebel Flagship Mod 2
Grab the mod here.