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How To Format An Ssd On Windows 10

How to format ssd on windows 10 1

Apr 30, 2016  Now, let’s take a look at some ways you can format your USB drive on Windows 10. Method 1: Format USB Drive using File Explorer. This is the easiest way and simply requires you to plug in your USB Drive, open the Windows File Explorer and right click your drive to view a number of actions that you can perform.

How To Format Ssd On Windows 10 Mac

When I got my computer in 2012, I used Windows' own mover to move all files and settings over. I didn't know that that was a bad idea, and so ended up with a corrupted profile and some bad settings.
I am finally ready to do something about it.
Here's my setup:
* Windows 10 (which I am loving, by the way)
* Two drives, C and D. C is my boot drive.
I want to format a new SSD drive with a clean Windows 10 install and then replace my existing C drive with that new drive. I know this means I will have to reinstall everything that is on my existing C drive, but I'm fine with that.
Here are my questions:
1. How can I format my new SSD drive with Windows 10 and get it set up as my new C drive? I have a USB connector for the new SSD drive so I can access it from a USB port first; can I use that connection to install Windows on the drive? The new SSD came with software to clone my existing C drive, but of course that is not what I want; I want a clean install to get away from the corrupted install. Can Windows recognize and format a drive connected through a USB port?
2. When I put my new drive C into my computer, how do I tell my computer that I want that to be my boot drive?
3. Once I get the new SSD installed as my new drive C, how do I format my old drive C as a drive E with Windows 10? Again, I am fine with wiping out everything on that drive once I have a new C.
4. I have a lot of programs installed on my D drive and want to keep them there. Will I need to reinstall them? (Again, if so, I'm fine with that.) Or would symlinks work?
Please answer as though I need to have things spelled out for me step by step, because I mostly do.
Thank you so much in advance!