Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG Mod Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG v2.6.2b Unlimited Money Features: Unlimited Money role-playing app/game Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG v2.6.2b Unlimited Money APK MOD is published on.Download and install Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG v2.6.2b Unlimited Money APK file (35.11 MB).The version for Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG v2.6.2b Unlimited. Dungeon Hunter 5 Features: Incredible POWERS. O Wield more than 900 bits of reinforcement and weaponry. Your legends will require all the customization they can discover in this enormous RPG enterprise game. If you’re a fan of fantasy, MMORPGs, action role-playing games, or multiplayer dungeon games, and have a hunger to slay endless hordes of monsters as you explore ancient crypts and magical strongholds, then stop waiting and download Dungeon Hunter 5 now! The world can ill afford to wait for heroes such as yourself.
Play Mobile games on PC with Andy Android Emulator
A new series of being a legendary is here. Play the next chapter with Dungeon Hunter 5 for PC which features the return of the dragon. With the best game features that the previous episode has, this offers more upgrades and more story sequence to let you enjoy playing the game. Get ready and enter a new world with your gadget or computer and take a deep breath because you are entering a fantasy world.
Dungeon Hunter 5 Game Highlights
Different games have different approach at the start. Some have basic tutorial and some are on story basis to give more reasons to continue playing and discover more of it. You will experience the following Dungeon Hunter 5 for PC features:
- You can play as either single player or cooperative. If you choose to embark the journey alone as a hero with the sword on your own hand, then this campaign is right for you. You will be given a task and will award you with five monsters with realms which are known as notorious hunter and warrior. For cooperative playing, you can ask your friends to join you on your adventure.
- The game is more challenging since you can have your own gear without purchasing and by just finding useful materials around you. You can craft and crease armor, axes, swords and etc.
- To get the most of the game, then you have to be familiar with the five elements that will help you synchronize with the game. These elements are Fire, Water, Nature, Light and Dark. Those who know how to deal with this have advantage in playing with demon, dragon, monster and so on.
- Some of the game features include daily and weekly evens which will let you practice more of your skills and find other fighters that will give you rewards after. The game also has excellent graphics, sound effects and background music giving you the reason to enjoy and feel the game.
Dungeon Hunter 5 Download For Pc
Be the 5th Dungeon Hunter Edition
You can be the best warrior by playing Dungeon Hunter 5 for PC and accomplishing the task assigned to you. You must upgrade your character with latest weapons and gears to make sure it can fight with any battle along the way. You can choose to play alone or make the gaming fun by asking your friends to join you.
Connecting an account with mobile and computer can only be possible through an emulator called Andy. It is checked regularly to make sure that all updates are installed which will provide you better experience in using the game and application. If you would like the games and applications you are using on the phone and tablet to be on your computer, then you have to install the emulator first. Also, Windows and MAC users are able to experience Android through it.
How Andy Works on Dungeon Hunter 5 for PC
When you got home, you can give some time for your gadget to rest as it is getting enough pressure from your fingers while playing Dungeon Hunter 5 for PC the whole day. You will not just let it last longer but it will let you experience larger screen with larger memory capacity.
Connecting your computer with your mobile is possible through the emulator called Andy. After installing the application, open it and your computer will turn into an Android gadget and the display is exactly the same what you see on either mobile or tablet. Then, you will experience better gaming options as you don’t need to think about other accessories while playing like keyboard, screen, joystick and so on. Also, you will be provided with OS that is updated regularly, large memory capacity, compatibility with different operation system and it will let you get many applications.
Using it requires really simple and basic moves. You can use your phone or tablet as a remote control while playing or you can just choose to play it alone on the computer with the emulator. You can use all the applications on your desktop like how you use mobile phones while playing. You can also use it without requiring you to connect online like how it was played on handy gadgets.
How to Download Dungeon Hunter 5 for your PC:
Step 1: Download the android emulator software Andy and it is available for free. Click here to download: Download
Step 2: Start the installation of Andy by clicking on the installer file you downloaded.
Step 3: When the software is ready to be used, start it and complete the sign up procedure and login with Google Play account.
Step 4: Start Google play store app and use its search tool to search Dungeon Hunter 5 download.
Step 5: Find Dungeon Hunter 5 and start the installation.
Dungeon Hunter 5 Download Pc
Step 6: Launch the game and you can now play Dungeon Hunter 5 on pc using a mouse or your keyboard and even your touch screen, you can use the control button to emulate the pinch function to zoom in and out.
Step 7: You can also install remote control app form here for remotely accessing the game: Andy remote control app
Support: we maintain an online real-time Facebook support group if you have any issues with Andy OS to the installation process, you can use this link to access the group: support
Enjoy Playing Dungeon Hunter 5 on PC!!!
Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG Mod Apk:
- - Version: 2.6.2
- - Size: 35.11 MB
- - Price: Free
- - Root needed: No Need
- - Offers In-App Purchase: No
- - Price: Free

Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG Mod Apk 2.6.2 [Unlimited money] Features:
Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG Mod Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG v2.6.2b Unlimited Money Features:
Unlimited Money
role-playing app/game Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG v2.6.2b Unlimited Money APK MOD is published on 1549398995.Download and install Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG v2.6.2b Unlimited Money APK file (35.11 MB) .The version for Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG v2.6.2b Unlimited Money is 2.6.2b. Over 44 users have download this mod. They rate a 3.9 of 5 about this Mod. To install Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG v2.6.2b Unlimited Money APK file. You android device version should be at least Android 4.0、4.0.1、4.0.2 (ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) .Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG v2.6.2b Unlimited Money APK works very well on 42 users's device. The size about Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG v2.6.2b Unlimited Money APK is 35.11 MB.You can download Dungeon Hunter 5 – Action RPG v2.6.2b Unlimited Money APK to get unlimited money and win easily
Full Specifications
Download Infomation
Size | 35.1MB |
Version | 2.6.2b |
Version Code | 26221 |
Lang | afamarazbebgbnbscacsdadeelen-GBeses-USeteufafifrfr-CAglguhehihrhuhyinisitiwjakakkkmknkokyloltlvmkmlmnmrmsmynbnenlpaplpt-BRpt-PTrorusiskslsqsrsvswtatethtltrukuruzvizh-CNzh-HKzh-TWzu |
Permission Text | LOCATION: Allows an app to access approximate location. CONTACTS: Allows access to the list of accounts in the Accounts Service. OTHER: Allows applications to open network sockets. Allows applications to access information about networks. Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks. Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming. Allows access to the vibrator. Allows an application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting. STORAGE: Allows an application to read from external storage. Allows an application to write to external storage. |
Operation Systems
Min Sdk | 14 |
Min Sdk Txt | Android 4.0、4.0.1、4.0.2 (ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) |
Target Sdk | 24 |
Target Sdk Txt | Android 7.0 (N) |
Multi Window | No |
Supports Screens | normal, large, xlarge |
Cpu | armeabi-v7a x86 |
Open Gl Int | 0 |
Supports Any Density | Yes |
Densities | 120, 160, 213, 240, 320, 480, 640 |
User Features
Uses Feature | Wi-Fi hardware features: The app uses 802.11 networking (Wi-Fi) features on the device. |
Uses implied Feature | The app uses one or more features on the device for determining location, such as GPS location, network location, or cell location.#The app uses coarse location coordinates obtained from a network-based geolocation system supported on the device.#The app uses 802.11 networking (Wi-Fi) features on the device.#: |
Md5 | E89B158E4BCF988EBD09EB83F5378E87 |
Signature | 61ED377E85D386A8DFEE6B864BD85B0BFAA5AF81 |
Sha256 | A40DA80A59D170CAA950CF15C18C454D47A39B26989D8B640ECD745BA71BF5DC |
Valid From | Fri Feb 29 02:33:46 CET 2008 until: Tue Jul 17 03:33:46 CEST 2035 |
Serial Number | 936eacbe07f201df |
Developer | Android |
Ou | Android |
Organization | Android |
Locale | Mountain View |
Country | US |
City | California |