Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands is the tenth installment in the Ghost Recon franchise. It was announced during the Ubisoft E3 2015 Conference, and was released on March 7th, 2017. It is set in a massive and responsive open world, with the whole campaign playable either solo or with up to 4 friends.
The various Weapons in Ghost Recon Wildlands. Enhance your Ghosts' arsenal to fit every situation while fighting the Santa Blanca Cartel.
With more than 50 customizable Weapons to choose from, the game doesn’t impose any choice of classes, and you can adapt your playstyle according to your missions. For example, you can use your sniper to stealthily attack a camp by night, then attack a convoy with a machine gun. It’s totally up to you! As you progress, you’ll be able to unlock new weapons — along with attachments — to enrich your experience. You can also loot your enemies' weapons if you feel like it.
The Gunsmith is available at any time in the game menu. Inside, you can get an overview of your arsenal. You’ll be able to compare your weapons so you can ensure you’re making the right choice. Many statistics are also available: damage, accuracy, handling, range, rate of fire, noise reduction, and penetration. All can have a real impact on your actions.
Weapons customization[editedit source]
Ghosts are equipped with two primary weapons along with a secondary one, allowing you to switch at any time to adapt to the situation. The game offers a wide choice of weapons, including the following list of weapons below.
As you progress, your weapon’s paint gradually ages over time, becoming marred with dust, grease, and scratches. If you like to keep things neat, you’ll be able to clean and repaint your weapons at any time by accessing the menu. One of the most exciting features of the Gunsmith is its selection of attachments. The game offers more than 100 attachments (scopes, magazines, stocks, barrels, and more) that you can use to equip your weapon, creating a real impact on your gameplay. Over 10,000 combinations are possible. Some attachments add special modes to your weapons and can be activated on the go. To name just a few, you’ll be able to adapt your sniper scope, choose your firing mode, and enable or disable your suppressor or the grenade launcher on your assault rifle.
List Of Weapons[editedit source]
- Primary Weapons
- Secondary Weapons
See Also[editedit source]
- Equipment

If you’re someone that never played a Ghost Recon game before then you’re probably don’t know what to expect. The only game that Ghost Recon can be compared with is the Far Cry series, which happens to be made by Ubisoft. They have similar elements in the game, like capturing camps from enemies and so on. However, they are a lot of improvement to make in this game. Overall, ghost recon wildlands worth it?
If you’re looking a quick response, I do recommend Ghost Recon Wildlands Amazon Ghost Recon Wildlands ONLY if you’re a casual gamer that values quantity over quality storytelling. If you like shooting in a massive open-world, then you most likely will not get boring. If that’s you then the Ghost Recon WIldlands is well worth it. Get the latest Amazon deals on Ghost Recon Wildland
In the game trailers, Ubisoft heavily claims that the game has a massive map. Also, the game has quality tactical AI teams that will assist you on different approaches to missions. If you want to go loud then your team AI will go loud or stealth. These claims are actually very accurate which makes this game impressive.
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The downside of the game is storytelling. The game does have an interesting plot about cartels. With all those stories about real life cartels like Chapo crazy things the goes on, it might make me be a part and feel what is like to be in those situations. However, the acting and the methods implemented to tell the story is not great.
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Story Description Ghost Recon: Wildlands
Ghost Recon Wildlands at its core is a tactical 4 player game. The South American country, Bolivia, has been taken over a powerful cartel know as Santa Blanca cartel lead by the top boss El Sueno. The cartel is so massive that is had taken over the authorities and the government. The cartel has established a ruthless regime and your job is simply destabilized it and destroy it.
The game is well represented and it those give it motivate you to keep going. With so many missions, side mission, collectibles, and more thing, the game will keep you busy for good while. If you have played the latest Far Cry games, you would know what I mean.
When the Ghost Recon was released, it had a lot of visual problems, as frame rate drops here and there. The map is massive and crammed with a lot of things which puts the console or PC resources under siege.
Ubisoft has released a lot of updates attempting to deal with this issue and I believe too they don’t great jobs as I see little problems with frame rate dropping lately.
Ghost Recon Wildlands Website
Like I mentioned before if you’re into games that with a lot of content like convoy missions, outpost capturing and map unlocking that this a game for you. Otherwise, I wouldn’t recommend it.
Is GRW Gameplay Fun?
Ghost Recon Wildlands (Amazon) is 4 men tactical based. You can have your friends join or just play so with A.I teammates. I played mostly solo with the AI teammates and they are actually great. They are not so dumb AI like seen other games doing weird stuff.
That was important because in a stealth tactical mission approach, it important to stay hidden and AI running around and getting, of course, would compromise the mission. So noticeable how Ubisoft spend a lot of resources on AI because they are really good.
The AIs do have couple flaws as at times they won’t be able to guard someone. However, if you manage to utilize them as much as you can, you can manage some overpowered stuff. When attacking an outpost, if you want to snip, then you can use the sync shot system which could turn out to be very effective.
You can go loud with AI too. The AI teammates have a literally perfect aim. So that means putting them into a tank and you literal going to rush the mission and can just watch and do nothing. Yes, you can cheese your way out of this game.
The game has a massive world with a lot of unlocking. From, capturing an outpost, weapons unlocking, skill trees, gathering resource and defeating a lot of bosses is what the game is mainly about. This will keep you busy for a while if you attempting to do all these things.
However, the downside to that is it can become very repetitive. That can be a problem because it can become predictable and that becomes boring as you progress. Ubisoft response to that is that the game allows you to take different approaches to missions. You decide what to do and the variations are many.
Ghost Recon Wildlands Tactical Stations
The gunplay feels very good, not the greatest but it’s manageable. There is a lot of weapons unlocking. The variety of weapon customization is immense and useful. You can customize your weapon according to the approaches of your missions.
Should you get Ghost Recon Wildlands?
Ghost Recon Wildlands(Amazon) won’t blow your mind with new mechanics and masterpiece storytelling. In fact, there is nothing that is really unique. The game looks like it took things from other games and put them together.
However, if you’re like me, I never played Ghost Recon for masterpiece storytelling and looking on how to kill someone different fashion, in a military approach I mean. The game is heavily criticized for that and it is simply expecting too much out a series that never focused to have a strong story.
If you’re a casual gamer that like RPG style games then I really recommended. However, if you’re a hardcore game looking a for a unique experience and getting your brain blown then you won’t find that here. It’s best to skip this game.
Tell us what you think about the game in the comments below. Did you like or dislike it?
Ghost Recon Wildlands Profile
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