Encourage: This unit provides a leadership bonus to nearby allies. Units within range of both the Lord's aura and an encouraging unit will receive the larger of the two bonuses. Hide (forest): This unit can hide in forests until enemy units get too close. You should begin the game by befriending the other factions of the High Elves, and getting rid of the Cult of Excess.First, only the Yvresse will settle for a non-aggression pact and a trading agreement, but the remaining ones should not be very problematic if you use the Influence. High Elves are a major race in Total War: Warhammer II, playable in multiplayer and custom battles. In the campaign, they have four playable subfactions, each lead by a different legendary lord. The High Elves are an ancient, proud race who dwell on the island continent of Ulthuan, once home to all Elves. The High Elf military consists of small numbers of highly-discplined elite troops which march to war alongside powerful spellcasters, dragons and phoenixes.
High Elves inhabit the island continent Ulthuan, but being a seafarers have global influence. High Elves are highly sophisticated and geopolitically powerful. Ulthuan is made up of ten small Kingdoms that are ruled collectively by the Phoenix King, and the Everqueen.
High Elves are a diverse army that have a unit for every combat role. Typically elves are associated with fragility but not the High Elves, whose soldiers are often heavily armored. Elves are faster than average and are extremely accurate at range or close combat.
Core Concepts
High Magic. High Elves share the High Magic lore with the Lizardmen, which is a combination of buffs and direct damage spells. High Magic is an excellent ‘all purpose’ lore. High Elves Wizards have the Lileath’s Blessing, which considers them to be one wizard level higher than they are when casting magic from the High Magic lore.
Flying Monsters. High Elves have access to numerous flying monsters, and are the best option if a ‘flying circus’ is the kind of army you want to run. Ulthuan is home to dragons, and they come in three varieties, Sun, Moon and Star, each one being incrementally more expensive and more powerful.
Highest Quality. High Elf soldier counts tend to be average sized, if not slightly below average. High Elves individually are high leadership, but they don’t have many tricks that help them stay in combat longer, leaving them in the middle of the leadership spectrum.
Most High Elf armies are led by a Prince. Princes are one of the weakest combat lords in the game, but have excellent wargear options and can be mounted on any number of warbeasts. The most popular is the griffon, which can be an incredible shredder of infantry, but they can even ride Ulthuan Dragons, allowing the Prince to be an immense linebreaker.
Archmages are the most powerful of the High Elf mages, and be up to level 4 wizards. They can choose from the Lore of High Magic or one of the generic lores, but remember they will count as a level 5 wizard when casting from the Lore of High Magic, which is why they’re among the best wizards in the game. Like Princes, Archmages can ride into battle on a dragon, but typically they’ll be hidden in your backline safe from harm. Archmages are fragile and defenseless in battle, and need protecting.
If a frontline mage is what you want, High Elves have the Dragon Mage, a level 1 or 2 wizard, who can only cast spells from the Lore of Fire, and wears heavy Dragon armor, while riding a Sun Dragon into battle. This is one of the few frontline battlemages in the game.
Standard High Elf infantry are Spearmen, which are modestly armored, and very low damage. They’re the chaff of the army, and are a usable anvil, speedbump or escort. As a more developed option, Lothern Sea Guard are the same, but slightly more expensive and armed also with bows, to harass the enemy as they approach. Lothern armies are led by Lothern Sea Helms, which is a capable combatant that aids Sea Guard avoid being flanked by letting them rapidly reform when charged from the flank.
For heavier infantry Swordmasters of Hoeth carry massive two handed swords in heavy armor, they’re so skilled with their swords they can deflect missile weapons like arrows aimed at them. Swordmasters are led by Loremasters of Hoeth, which are similarly equipped and extremely capable combatants. They are also level 2 wizards, but rather than picking a magic lore they know the signature spell of every generic lore. Most of these are magic missiles, and Loremasters of Hoeth can be a characterful and effective alternative to Archmages, slinging many weak spells instead of a few extremely powerful ones.
White Lions of Chrace carry massive two handed axes, and wear lion cloaks, which improve their armor value against ranged attacks. White Lions fill a similar role as Swordmasters, they’re lower attack but are Stubborn, like Dwarves. They also get movement benefits in forests. When not on foot, a pair White Lions can be pulled by a Lion Chariot of Chrace, which is pulled by two War Lions, which is as amazing as it sounds.
Warhammer Total War 2 High Elves Guide
Phoenix Guard are the third form of elite infantry. Their focus is defense, and as well as their armor, they have very powerful Ward protections, on par with Tzeentch Daemons. They’re a very hard unit to kill and are one of the better anvils in the game, and with Halberds they’re not low damage. Phoenix Guard are led by Anointed of Asuryan, which are effective combatants and can be mounted on Phoenixes.
Standard High Elf Archers are actually not very good. They’re expensive and though they’re accurate shooters, their longbows are long ranged but low damage. They don’t compare well to the ranged units of other armies, which are either much cheaper or have higher damage armor piercing attacks. High Elf Archers are also incapable of defending themselves and are a high value target to enemy flankers. A good use of them is to protect your Archmages. Shadow Warriors are similarly equipped but even more accurate, and are able to slip behind the enemy line easily, making them premiere backfield harassers and even assassins. By far the best archers in the army are the Sisters of Avelorn. These women use special Bows of Avelorn which are flaming, and magical attacks, which are higher strength than standard longbows and are armor piercing against units from the Forces of Destruction. This makes them exceptionally good at killing Chaos Dwarfs and Warriors of Chaos. The Sisters of Avelorn are among some Wood Elf archers as the best in the game.

Silver Helms are the standard High Elf knights, and they really break the mold for what Elves are supposed to be. Very heavily armored, and with lances they do immense damage on the charge, Silver Helms are elite Knights comparable to human knights. Elven barbed horses are faster than normal, so for heavy cavalry they’re extremely mobile.
For light cavalry, Ellyrian Reavers are fast harassers that can be equipped with bows. They’re a great option for getting to enemy artillery.
Dragon Princes of Caledor represent the elite heavy cavalry of the army, they ride horses but wear heavy dragon armor, which improves their protection against fire. Iron Drakes will be utterly incapable of dealing with this unit. They’re fast traveling, hit hard on the charge, and are even better than Silver Helms in combat so have serious staying power in combat.
Flying Circus
Warhammer Total War 2 High Elves Campaign Guide
Flamespyre Phoenixes leave a wake of fire behind them, and flying them over enemy units will devastate them. They’re powerful combatants, and when killed have a chance of leaving an egg, which will explode destructively and rebirth the phoenix. Frostheart Phoenixes are older, and have lost the ability to regenerate. Smart defrag 6.2 pro license key. They burn cold, and instead of leaving behind a wake of fire have an aura of cold that reduces the attack of engaged enemy units. They’re also even more effective in combat than their younger forms. Both types of Phoenix can be ridden by an Annointed of Asuryan. All Phoenixes are attuned to the Winds of Magic, and get stronger or weaker depending on the strength of the Winds.

Lothern Skycutters are chariots, pulled by a Roc, a giant eagle. The chariot is a weapons platform for a Bolt Thrower, and the Roc is an effective combatant. Since flying works so differently in the Total War videos we’ve seen, it’s hard to say what role this unit will have in the game, but on tabletop its role was a premiere monster hunter.

How They Play
High Elves are an extremely modular army, and can be played any way you want. They’re one of the only armies that can replace their infantry entirely with heavy cavalry. They have ranged specialists, and close combat specialists, and survival specialists, and glass cannons, and generalists like Lothern Sea Guard, which are the most generalized and ‘all weather’ infantry in the game.
Where High Elves excel is holding a strong frontline, while fast flankers overwhelm fragile backfield elements. It’s not fair to call them an assassination army, it’s more like an army that can effectively run a second front. Fast cavalry and flying monsters help with this immensely.
High Elves in the Meta
Because of how modular they are, High Elves as a whole don’t have bad matchups, but depending on how they’re built they could run into specific problems. Generally High Elves are a top tier competitive army on tabletop. Archmages are extremely effective, and many armies don’t have an answer to them.
Frostheart Phoenixes represent one of the biggest balance problems in tabletop. Their aura of cold is cumulative, meaning two Phoenixes will reduce an Ogre unit’s attack to goblin levels, making it impossible for them to hurt the Phoenixes which are tearing the unit apart. It’s an easy thing for CA to fix and I hope they recognize the problem while translating the army to Total War.
Creative Assembly has revealed more details about the fancy High Elves, one of Total War: Warhammer 2’s angry factions. Get the skinny on their leaders, dragons and troops below.
The High Elves are a tricky bunch. They use diplomacy as a weapon, making other factions fight or agree to deals that aren’t in their best interests. They’re not to be trusted. On the battlefield, don’t be fooled by their silky hair and slender appearance: they’re beasts.
“The High Elves are an elite force who, warrior-for-warrior, can outmatch almost any other race in the Warhammer World,” writes Creative Assembly. “Over the long millennia of their existence, they have mastered every style of fighting—whether you seek phalanxes of spears, unstoppable cavalrymen, dead-eyed archers or peerless charioteers, you will find them here.”
Like all the factions in Warhammer 2, they have two different starting positions, depending on the leader that you choose at the start of the campaign, and those leaders have very different abilities. Tyrion, for instance, is a peerless warrior and defender of Ulthuan and its Everqueen. His brother Teclis, on the other hand, is physically frail but strong in magic, and sees the entire world as his charge.
The Elves are blessed with a great deal of cavalry, but the most notable part of their roster are the flying beasts. Pick the Elves and you’ll be able to field six different types of flying monsters, from dragons to eagles. In Warhammer 2, flying units are considerably more versatile, too. Dragons, for instance, can spew fire while flying above the battlefield instead of dropping into melee immediately.
I’m still all about the Lizardmen though, I must confess. I got to play with them for a few hours in May, and there’s nothing like watching a bunch of dinosaurs with solar cannons strapped to their backs charging at a bunch of terrified enemies.