Assassin’s Creed Origins might be set in Ancient Egypt but that hasn’t stopped Ubisoft from allowing you to ride magical creatures. Yes. You can own and ride an actual Unicorn in Ancient Egypt. Here’s how you do it.
There are a few ways to get access to the rainbow-hooved creature of joy. The first, and easiest, way is to buy it with Helix credits in the extra content store. You’ll get a total of 500 helix credits if you buy an edition of the game that comes with a season pass, which is exactly how much a unicorn costs...
- HOW TO GET THE HAMMER OF PTAH LEGENDARY MOUNT IN ASSASSIN’S CREED ORIGINS HIDDEN ONES. Assassin’s Creed Origins Hidden Ones is the most substantial DLC offering for the game yet.
- Nov 03, 2017 Assassin’s Creed Origins guide: tips, hints and walkthroughs for your Egyptian adventures. By Brenna Hillier, Friday, 3 November 2017 01:04.
There are 35 Mounts in Assassin's Creed Origins divided into 3 categories: Camels, Horses, and Chariots. Here's AC: Origins Location Guide on All 35 Mounts and where to find them in the game.
To buy the unicorn, simply head to the store from the main menu and either click on the ‘upgrade your mount tab or use R1 or your right bumper to cycle along to the ‘gear’ tab. Select the unicorn and it’s yours. You can also use the credits to buy different outfits, shields, map packs (for finding the hardest treasures in the game) and ability points.
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You’ll now have to complete the first 15 minutes of the game up to the point where you’re told to call in your mount. When this happens head to your gear menu, go to your mount and open your available selection. Select the unicorn, exit to the game and then use the down directional button to summon it with a whistle
If you don’t have enough Helix credits you have two choices. You can buy credits with very real money from the online store - for £3.99 for 500 upwards - OR you can visit Reda at the Nomad's Bazaar market stall who has 3000 Drachma special item boxes for rare weaponry and a special quest every day to earn even more ultra rare Legendary loot. All of the outfits in the store are available in the game so do every quest and head into the Hippodrome for races and you'll unlock more mounts.
Hello everyone! Upon request I have put together a list of mounts for you (with screenshots). The ones without links are the ones I am missing -- if you own any of the missing ones, feel free to send me pictures and I will add them to the list! Please let me know if I have made any mistakes. Also if I submit this and the formatting is all messed up, I will fix it. Here goes!
Assassin's Creed Origins Legendary Mount Stable
Common Horses:
Soft Breeze
Black Arrow (Quest: Go for Green)
The False Camel
Eternal Glory
Egyptian Mare
Common Camels:
Inspiration (Quest: When Night Falls)
Basus (Quest: Striking Back)
Fallout 4
Rare Horses:
True Friend
Blazing Glory
Partner (Twitch Prime) and Bonus Pic
Morning Mist (Quest: My Brother For a Horse)
Mut Herti (Tribal Pack, retailer exclusive pre-order bonus content) Thanks to /u/Shellfishy
Rare Camels
Bone Cracker
Desert's Pilgrim
Assassin's Creed Origins Download
Legendary Horses
Aa Nekhtou
Meri Amun and Bonus Pic
Pharaoh's Horse (Hippodrome) Thanks to /u/Shellfishy
Roman Warhorse (Hippodrome) Thanks to /u/Shellfishy
Unicorn (UPlay Store) Pic 2 and Pic 3 Thanks to /u/Moas-taPeGheata
Fangs (PreOrder Digital Deluxe) and Pic 2 Thanks to /u/Moas-taPeGheata
Legendary Camels
Meri Heka
Pataikos Herti
Sand-Dweller (UPlay Store)
Common: Scout Chariot
Rare: War Chariot
Legendary: Royal Chariot