That was until for no reason what so ever the game decided I can no longer fast travel. Ive tried every save file I had, tried dropping everything in my inventory, tried entering different locations and exiting, nothing works. I'm not replaying 20 hours so this has completely killed the entire game for me. Anyone else have this??
No Fast Travel Skyrim
Hello vault dwellers!

How many of you have played Fallout before without using Fast Travel? I recently picked up a copy of the game for X1 (without DLC) and playing I’m going to challenge myself to not use Fast Travel at all.
I thought about not using VATS either, but who doesn’t love a slow mo headshot?
I’ve just ran into my first struggles where I reached Diamond City and need to travel back to sanctuary due to the fact that I have too much loot on my person, and Dogmeat cannot carry anymore.
Here is an analysis of clean master vs. CCleaner, to enlist the pros and cons of both the programs and review which might be the better option. Statistics have shown that Clean Master was the most downloaded PC cleaning tool in the recent times, since after its launch. Clean master or ccleaner. How can the answer be improved?

We will see how long it takes me to start throwing points into Strength to carry more weight.
Any advise for a puddly, scrub vault dweller like myself? Much appreciated in advance!
Also, what are some other self imposed rules have you used before that I may want to do in future playthroughs?
Fallout 4 No Fast Travel Mod For Morrowind
well, uh, I was on a save that I had where I'd finished the game, and I was at freeside, and it wouldn't let me fast travel, saying that fast travel was unavailable from this location, so I left freeside and went into the mojave, and it still wouldn't let me travel. got bored of trying to make it work.
3 months and halo reach later, I felt like some good old fallout. open the save, in freeside, walk around, shoot some thugs, the usual. decide to try doing some quests (my list is overflowing), try fast travelling. 'Not available from this location.'. Hmm. try leaving freeside. Nothing. try going to the strip. Nothing. I have no idea what caused it or how to fix it. I browsed the NV bugs list, nothing. nothing even mentioning this bug, or anything even similar.I'm sick of this glitch, and It's ruined my game. any ideas?
You said you 'finished' the game. Did you use a mod or something similar that enables playing beyond the battle of hoover dam? Rootmars 01:54, April 4, 2011 (UTC)
well, no, my games on the xbox, and I got to the part where you must go to the legion camp and deal with legionnaire laganius or whatever his name is, I went through the door to the camp, (the one that loads the camp not the gate that closes when you enter the camp) and did the thing, finished, then loaded from my auto save at the loadgate, turned around and left through the door. walked back along the dam, fast travelled as soon as possible, and started doing some quests after, then it just stopped, I think. I've forgotten when it started because I just stopped playing then.