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Just Cause 2 on PlayStation 3 puts you in control of Rico Rodriguez, the action superstar from Just Cause on PlayStation.

Easy money

Go to X:3632, Y:31521 coordinates to find an easy base jump event. Successfully complete this event to get $20,000. You can repeat it as many times as desired to get an additional $20,000 each time.

Go to X:3402, Y:15504 coordinates to find an easy base jump event. Note: You must complete the Roaches Stronghold missions to unlock this event. Successfully complete this event to get $20,000. You can repeat it as many times as desired to get an additional $20,000 each time.

You will get $20,000 every time a race is completed. You can repeat any race as many times as desired to get an additional $20,000 each time.

Easy stunt points

At the entrance of Panau International Airport, get the sports car, drive it to a runway, and wait for a plane to appear. Go into stunt position, and attach the car to the plane with the grappling hook. Enter the car, and the plane will take off with the car in tow. You will accrue stunt points quickly as long as the grapple is not released.

Drive a fast car or motorcycle on a highway or long road while dodging traffic in the correct lane. Alternately, drive as fast as possible down the middle of the road.

Easy rocket launcher and ammunition

Go to X:20443, Y:31188 coordinates to find an easy place to keep respawning the rocket launcher and ammunition for it. Grab the rocket launcher in the temple. There are also five small boxes in the building to the right of the temple. Destroy all five boxes to spawn another rocket launcher. Then, use your grappling hook and parachute to go a little ways away from the area (you may have to leave the island). Go back to the area now, and the rocket launchers should have respawned. Repeat this as many times as desired.

Easy C4 and grenades

Go to X:17342, Y:4196 coordinates to find an easy place to keep respawning C4 and grenades. Grab the C4 and grenades on the lower deck by the water. Then, use your grappling hook and parachute to go a little ways away from the area. Go back to the area now, and the C4 and grenades should have respawned. Repeat this as many times as desired.

Easy landings without parachute

You do not need to use a parachute while free falling. Simply grapple the ground when you are close to it to safely land, no matter what the distance is that you fell.

BlackFinding coordinates

You can find the coordinates at the top right corner of the map, and move the cursor around to find a specific spot.

Points of interest coordinates

Go to the indicated coordinates to find the corresponding point of interest:

Boats, rocket launcher, ammunitionX:20624, Y:31074
C4, grenades, and SMG ammunitionX:5665, Y:25862
Collectibles, two rare vehicles, gas pumpsX:8033, Y:28372
Grenade launcherX:6065, Y:26016
Happy Bubble Blaster GunX:4249, Y:25990
Island with RPG, ammunition, and speedboatsX:20475, Y:31170
SAMs, fuel supplies, windmillsX:8268, Y:26679
Sniper rifleX:6523, Y:27629
X:6625, Y:25672
Upgrade at mansion porchX:20172, Y:27689
Upgrades near runway and lighthouseX:17313, Y:25610
Upgrades at the top of the four smaller towers and the main larger towerX:2297, Y:2212
Aeroliner 474X:9896, Y:12749
Bering I-86DPX:9224, Y:28448
X:4028, Y:21223
X:22491, Y:23396
Cassius 192X:25757, Y:19955
X:29624, Y:11453
G9 EclipseX:22163, Y:23265
X:11699, Y:5106
X:4176, Y:21266
Peek Airhawk 225X:9499, Y:5717
X:6569, Y:25971
Pell Silverbolt 6X:9499, Y:5717
Si-47 LeopardX:17141, Y:12369
X:23261, Y:5982
X:9224, Y:28448
X:28906, Y:5575
ATVs and Motorcycles
Makoto MZ 250X:20401, Y:24964
Makoto MZ 260XX:8252, Y:28309
Mosca 125 PerformanceX:14751, Y:25692
Shimuzu ATV55TX:17713, Y:26000
Shimuzu TraclineX:6940, Y:26060
Frisco Catshark S-38X:17398, Y:4140
Kuang AdventureX:25450, Y:6190
Kuang HomesteadX:25450, Y:6190
Kuang SunriseX:25450, Y:6190
Kuang SunsetX:25450, Y:6190
MTA Powerrun 77X:20656, Y:31047
Orque Grandois 21TTX:24478, Y:30435
Orque Living 42TX:24625, Y:26569
X:24753, Y:27199
Pattani Gluay Pro 2X:8228, Y:23031
Pattani Gluay TouringX:8241, Y:23037
SnakeHead T20X:17165, Y:14340
Trat Tang-moX:19052, Y:26063
Winstons Amen 69X:16933, Y:17430
X:30108, Y:26848
YP-107 PhoenixX:16933, Y:17430
Zhejiang 6903X:16933, Y:17430
X:16847, Y:17485
Cars and trucks
APC tankX:6739, Y:27558
Armored vanX:6774, Y:25519
Boyd Fireflame 544X:4345, Y:15528
Chevalier Piazza IXX:3503, Y:12413
Chevalier Traveller SCX:8258, Y:28309
Columbi ExcelciorX:24378, Y:14789
Dongtai A-B CenturyX:19106, Y:25870
Dongtai A-B DecaluxX:6731, Y:27274
Dongtai Agriboss 35X:19106, Y:25870
Dongtai Agriboss 9000X:19106, Y:25870
Dune buggy (randomly armed with turret)X:7105, Y:26022
Garret Traver-ZX:6436, Y:24313
Hamaya OldmanX:9353, Y:10135
Kenwall Heavy RescueX:17429, Y:14762
Niseco Tusker G216X:11976, Y:4312
Pocumtuck NomadX:26483, Y:28770
Saas PP30 OxX:6566, Y:25704
X:22217, Y:23296
Shimuzu ATV55TX:17713, Y:26000
Stinger Dunebug 84X:7209, Y:25965
Titus ZJX:7606, Y:24346
Titus ZJ CabrioletX:9170, Y:11413
Titus ZJ Soft TopX:9170, Y:11413
AH-33 TopachulaX:5789, Y:24985
H-62 QuapawX:5360, Y:25637
H-62 Quapaw and Titus ZJ carX:6774, Y:25519
Mullen Skeeter EagleX:9454, Y:5760
Mullen Skeeter HawkX:3557, Y:15293
Rowlinson K22X:8255, Y:28300
X:5900, Y:13663
X:15884, Y:4287
Sivirkin 15 HavocX:30222, Y:27584
UH-10 ChippewaX:16941, Y:9137
Military vehicles
Dalton N90X:1408, Y:13556
X:19081, Y:25933
X:12065, Y:11335
Fengding EC14FD2X:17598, Y:12914
Fengding EC2 LiftX:7477, Y:23844
GV-104 RazorbackX:9203, Y:28114
Maddox FVA 45X:13241, Y:29192
X:25517, Y:17884
X:9447, Y:6618
Marten Storm IIIX:16894, Y:9422
X:13107, Y:25246
X:17598, Y:12914
MV CommandX:23189, Y:17233
MV QuartermasterX:27609, Y:8855
X:14203, Y:27809
X:22306, Y:23336
MV V880X:9203, Y:28114
Razorback tank with no turretX:7364, Y:19214
SV-1003 RaiderX:9203, Y:28114
SV-1007 StonewallX:22389, Y:23361
URGA-9380X:22287, Y:23474
Cape Carnival Rocket baseX:30172, Y:14068
Canyon Leap stunt jumpX:1382, Y:23748
Desert Peak base jumpX:8082, Y:28454
Gambler's DenX:8646, Y:23133
Gas stationX:17677, Y:26023
Gas station, two upgradesX:7041, Y:23175
Karl Blaine's HouseX:17276, Y:14343
Panau Capital CityX:3741, Y:15786
Panau CasinoX:18565, Y:17755
Panau International AirportX:9748, Y:12798
Reapers HQX:17604, Y:12909
Roaches HQX:12063, Y:11326
Ski ResortX:24574, Y:14786
Snow Peak base jumpX:20546, Y:11828
Stunt ramps in the desertX:7015, Y:26022
Three Kings HotelX:3709, Y:31482
Tropical Peak base jumpX:29197, Y:28065
Ular Boys HQX:17166, Y:17225
'Banana Fail' written in bananasX:21914, Y:20264
Beach chaletX:12052, Y:11366
Cargo ship in desertX:10420, Y:23490
Fake shark fin driven by propeller in lakeX:12738, Y:22520
Fallen cable carX:20764, Y:9831
Floating porch light over waterX:3968, Y:29844
Frozen oil rig in lake with habitation podsX:19548, Y:12606
Giant footstepX:12874, Y:26272
I Am Legend reference with chair and desk at the end of pierX:18207, Y:21543
Large satellite dishX:23440, Y:17420
LighthouseX:28505, Y:3710
Mountain sculpture with three large facesX:30375, Y:30637
Ocean arrowX:27000, Y:26400
Racetrack with sports carsX:9170, Y:11413
Rice farming terraceX:25363, Y:16810
Skull islandX:14834, Y:17323
Slice of pie islandX:24481, Y:906
SnowmanX:23745, Y:13662
Surprised smiley emoticon landscapeX:29110, Y:7392
Underwater lamp postX:13629, Y:29499
Underwater ruinsX:9208, Y:10053
Beached whale

Go to X:29611, Y:31332 coordinates to find a beached whale. Use an explosive to blow up the whale and find a hidden armor piece inside.

Hot air balloon

Go to X:7392, Y:16151 coordinates. You can ride the balloon by shooting off the sandbags and steer it by waking in the basket. Note: Unlike other vehicles, the hot air balloon can be used to fly over the 'Lost' island without getting hit by lightning. You can also find an armor piece near the balloon.

The Mile High Club

Go to X:29584, Y:11435 or X:27272, Y:9999 coordinates to find a strip club suspended by dual blimps.

Apocalypse Now reference

While flying a military helicopter, destroy as many military objects (infantry, vehicles, radar, SAMs, etc.) as possible. After a short time, Rico will begin humming the 'The Ride Of The Valkyries' song, which was played during the famous air raid scene in Apocalypse Now.

Lost references

Fly an aircraft to the farthest northwest island. Stunt Jump out of the place once lightning hits it, and parachute to the island. You will find parts from crashed airliner Oceanic 815 from Lost around the beach where 'Search' is written in the sand (X:1275, Y:3663 coordinates). Go to the southwest corner of the island (X:1743, Y:4363 coordinates) to find the mysterious hatch from Lost. You can also hear sounds of the 'black smoke' monster while on the island. -From: Robbaz

The Winstons (band) reference

There is a boat name 'Winstons Amen 69' in the game, which is a reference to a famous drum beat known as the 'Amen Break' performed by the funk and soul band 'The Winstons' on their 1969 album 'Color Him Father'.

Vandalize billboard

Find a billboard that has the face of the dictator, Baby Panay. Use the grappling hook to position Rico directly over his face, then press [Action]. Rico will draw glasses and a mustache over his face.

Manual Do Just Cause 2 Ps3 Torrent

ManualEasy 'Bridge Limbo' trophyEasy 'Follow Me!' trophy

It is recommended you first grapple onto a vehicle, and then shoot the grappling hook at an enemy. Then, quickly get into the vehicle, and start driving. Repeat this five times to get the 'Follow Me!' trophy. Note: You cannot use civilians to get this trophy.

Easy 'I Believe I Can Fly' trophy

Go to X:29584, Y:11435 coordinates (The Mile High Club), and base jump from the the blimp to get the 'I Believe I Can Fly' trophy.

Easy 'Invincible Warrior' trophyEasy 'Parachute Climber' trophyEasy 'Stunt Flyer' trophy

An easy location to fly an airplane for over 30 seconds close to the ground is X:19623, Y:22737 coordinates. This road is long enough and does not have hard curves. It is possible to fly 50 seconds close to the ground along this road.

Easy 'Top Of The World' trophy

Go to X:20538, Y:11836 coordinates to stand on the tallest point of Panau and get the 'I Believe I Can Fly' trophy.

Easy 'Wrecking Ball' trophy

Go to X:740, Y:13622 coordinates. Start the race at this coordinates, and take the armored vehicle. Tether the limo to the vehicle with the grappling hook. Then, kill Colonel Yuan, who is nearby in a grassy open field, with the object tethered to your vehicle. Youtube keeps signing me out. Repeat this five times to get the 'Wrecking Ball' trophy.


Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy:

    Top Agent (Bronze): Bonus for completing the game on Normal difficulty.
    Gaining a Foothold (Bronze): Complete 3 stronhold takeovers.
    First Taste of Chaos (Bronze): Cause chaos for the first time.
    Saboteur (Bronze): Complete 150 sabotages.
    Destroyer (Bronze): Complete 1000 sabotages.
    Professional Hitman (Bronze): Assassinate 25 colonels.
    Up to the Challenge 1 (Bronze): Complete 10 challenges.
    Up to the Challenge 2 (Bronze): Complete 50 challenges.
    Leaving No Rock Unturned (Bronze): Acquire 1000 resource items.
    Finders Keepers (Bronze): Acquire 100 resource items.
    Faction Benefactor (Bronze): Collect 150 faction items.
    Globetrotter (Bronze): Discover 100 locations.
    Freeroamer 1 (Bronze): Reach 100% complete in 15 locations.
    Body Count (Bronze): Kill 750 enemies.
    Unarmed and Dangerous (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies using melee attacks.
    Gravity is a Bitch! (Bronze): Kill 30 enemies by using the grappling hook and making them fall to their death.
    Follow Me! (Bronze): Kill 5 enemies by dragging them behind a vehicle with the grappling hook.
    Hang 'em High! (Bronze): Kill 30 enemies while they're suspended in the air with the grappling hook.
    Wrecking Ball (Bronze): Kill 5 enemies by smashing them with an object tethered to your vehicle with the grappling hook.
    Piñata Party (Bronze): Kill 5 enemies with the melee attack while they're suspended with the grappling hook.
    Juggler (Bronze): Kill 30 enemies while they're falling through the air.
    Road Rage (Bronze): Kill 30 enemies by mowing them down with vehicles.
    Marksman (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies with headshots.
    Killing Frenzy (Bronze): Kill 20 enemies in 60 seconds.
    Invincible Warrior (Bronze): Kill 50 enemies in a row with inventory weapons without losing health.
    Destruction Derby (Bronze): Destroy 30 objects in 60 seconds.
    Test Driver (Bronze): Drive 30 different vehicles.
    Trying Anything Once (Bronze): Drive all 104 vehicles.
    Road Trip (Bronze): Travel 75 kilometers by land vehicle.
    Please Step Out of the Vehicle (Bronze): Hijack 50 enemy vehicles.
    Stunt Driver (Bronze): Get 100 stunt driver points.
    Halfway There (Bronze): Reach 50% completion in the normal mode or mercenary mode.
    Parachute Climber (Bronze): Open the parachute and then land on foot 300 above the starting height.
    I Believe I Can Fly (Bronze): Base jump 1000 meters.
    Bridge Limbo (Bronze): Pass under 30 unique bridges in Panau.
    Stunt Flyer (Bronze): Fly an airplane close to the ground for 30 seconds.
    Perfectionist (Bronze): Reach 75% completion in the normal mode or mercenary mode.
    Top of the World (Bronze): Stand on foot at the highest point of Panau.
    Heroic Agent (Silver): Bonus for compelting the game on Experienced difficulty.
    Conqueror of Panau (Silver): Complete 9 stronghold takeovers.
    Freeroamer 2 (Silver): Reach 100% complete in 100 locations.
    Legendary Agent (Gold): Bonus for completing the game on Hardcore difficulty.
    A Trusted Ally (Gold): Complete 49 faction missions.
    Winner Takes All (Platinum): Earned all Just Cause 2 Trophies.

Additionally, there are seven secret trophies:

    Welcome to Panau (Bronze): Complete story mission 1 on any difficulty.
    Casino Bust (Bronze): Complete story mission 2 on any difficulty.
    The White Tiger (Bronze): Complete story mission 3 on any difficulty.
    Mountain Rescue (Bronze): Complete story mission 4 on any difficulty.
    Three Kings (Silver): Complete story mission 5 on any difficulty.
    Into the Den (Silver): Complete story mission 6 on any difficulty.
    A Just Cause (Gold): Complete story mission 7 on any difficulty.

IGN_Strategize Tips

Weapon of Choice

There are a lot of guns to choose from in Just Cause 2. Pistols, shotguns, automatic weapons, explosives: you'll find all of these plentifully available throughout the game. That said, how many of them are actually useful is up for debate. As a rule, most of the pistols are useless unless you have no other choice. The standard 9mm that many guards carry packs little punch and the Magnum, though powerful is painfully slow. Similarly, shotguns are limited in their practicality. Even at point plank range it will often take more then one shotgun blast to kill an enemy, and your ammo is generally more limited with that class of weapons. The game's two shotguns (sawed-barrel and assault) aren't bad, but they aren't that great either.

Generally speaking, your best options are the two assault rifles and the sub machine gun. The assault rifles pack a heavy punch and are accurate at long range and close range, even while firing in bursts. The sub machine guns are devastating at close range, especially when dual-wielded. They'll eat up ammo fast, but your enemies probably won't mind you looting their corpses for ammo. The sniper rifle is also a good option, but only for long range.

You generally always want to have explosives on hand as well. Though their usefulness against enemy soldiers is limited, grenades and demolition charges are great for chewing up vehicles and structures. The rocket launcher is also good for that purpose, but unfortunately, it's actually pretty hard to use against infantry and it takes up your only two-handed weapon slot.

Appetite for Destruction

Wherever you go, whatever you do, you should constantly be keeping your eyes out for to destroy. Destructible structures aren't hard to spot. They're generally red and marked with a white star, indicating government property. That said, if you have heavy weapons guard towers are also destructible. Advancing in Just Cause 2 requires you to destroy stuff, so you should never pass up an opportunity to do so. Whether you're on a mission and happen to pass some tasty looking fuel depots, or are just cruising down the highway and happen to spot a gas station, you should never pass up a chance to blow things up.

Grappling is Your Friend

Your grappling hook is probably your best friend. You can use it for transportation, to climb and even for combat. In short, it's the swiss army knife of Just Cause 2. Point in case, find yourself in a remote region and without transport? You can use your grappling hook to slingshot into the air and glide about with your parachute. Need to scale a wall? The grappling hook can propel you over it in seconds! Out of ammo? Use your grappling hook to pull enemies from guard towers, or even just melee them to death. When all else fails you, the grappling hook is always there.

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