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Ok I know to go to the store to swap weapons in wheel, but I cannot re-equip the bow.Don't see it anywhere


Far Cry 5 Weapon & Car Customization – How to Change Appearance How to customize weapons. In order to customize a weapon, you first need to own it. If you do, go to any shop with access to weapons (which is pretty much any shop) and ask to browse them. Find the one you want to change up, then press X on Playstation 4, or A on Xbox One.

1 Answer

I am playing right now on PS4, and here is where I see it:

  1. Go to a trading post.
  2. Pick the middle option 'Buy & Customize'
  3. Move over to 'Weapons' tab (R1 on PS4 to move).
  4. Now scroll down in this set of weapons (using direction pad for PS4).

The Hunter Bow and/or Recurve bow are probably just off screen from the starting point of the selection screen.

Hope this helps.


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